Fluid Finance; The Best Bank Alternative

12 Jul 2022

The best bank substitute that you will ever find is Fluid Finance.
We occasionally find the traditional banking system's due process to be rather annoying if we want to carry out a certain transaction. There is a ton of paperwork involved when you wish to transfer money from one country to another or apply for a loan.
DeFi (Decentralized Finance) was developed primarily to address the drawbacks of centralized finance. DeFi employs blockchain technology, digital assets, and cryptocurrencies to handle ordinary banking, loan acquisition, and asset trading.
Further, a DeFi user will still need to transfer money between the two financial worlds, therefore one cannot avoid using conventional banks ( the process of converting fiat to digital asset).
This resulted in the requirement for an alternative to traditional banks.
With Fluid, moving money between a traditional bank and the online world is simple. The ground-breaking technology of Fluid connects cash and cryptocurrencies into a single app using both traditional finance and decentralized financial infrastructure. In order to do this, Fluid created the DigitalDollar, a stablecoin that is fully supported, transparent, and verifiable on-chain around-the-clock.
Your bank account can be used to directly mint your stablecoins for chain. Simply exchange the DigitalDollar for regular dollars and have them returned to your account within seconds when you wish to cash out. No other bank substitute can offer the breadth of financial services that flow across these two financial spheres with such fluid.


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