Airdrops: A Way to Acquire Capital Without Investing.

16 Jul 2023

Originally Posted: Publish0x

Original Title: Airdrops: A Way to Acquire Capital Without Investing, Discover New Projects, Get Cryptocurrencies, NFTs or Tokens for Free

Some years ago, I participated in one of those informal meetings that I usually have with different groups of people interested in the promotion and adoption of cryptocurrencies (I think I have already mentioned it on other occasions). In that meeting, an attendee, as it usually happens, asked a question that seemed inappropriate to me: "...everything you explain is fine, but where do I invest to make quick money?". Normally, in these meetings, whose goal is just to educate people about the crypto ecosystem, I usually give simple answers: I give you the tools, you decide where to invest your money. But on that occasion I held back and just told him: start by making airdrops. A few days ago, by chance, I met that person (the one with the question), with whom I have a good friendship, and I remembered the topic. So I decided to write a short article about airdrops.

A cryptocurrency airdrops is an initiative driven by a crypto project to give away and distribute its own cryptocurrency or tokens to current or potential users by sharing digital assets. The goal of airdrops is to create awareness of a new cryptocurrency, position it in the market, attract new users and increase the liquidity of the token or coin. Cryptocurrency airdrops are a very easy way for those starting out in the crypto ecosystem to acquire capital without investment, get free coins, NFTs or tokens from projects that want to promote their digital assets, for experienced traders a potentially profitable way of investing.

Airdrops can be done in two ways: automatically or manually. The automatic ones, are based on a snapshot of the blockchain, where the project takes a snapshot of the chain at a certain time and distributes the tokens or coins to users who meet certain criteria, such as having a certain amount of a specific token. Manuals, are conducted through social networking platforms or other online forums, where users are required to complete certain tasks or follow specific instructions in order to receive tokens.

The criteria for receiving an airdrop can vary from project to project, but they generally target users who are already involved with the blockchain community. Some common criteria include being an active member on a particular forum, having a certain amount of a specific token, or following specific social media accounts. In some cases, airdrops may also target people in specific geographic regions or with specific interests.

To participate in an airdrop of cryptocurrencies or another digital asset, the first thing to do is to inform yourself about the project offering it, its goals, its roadmap and its team. It is also important to verify the legitimacy of the project and avoid scams or frauds that can steal your personal data or your funds.

Once you have chosen the project you are interested in, you must follow the steps indicated in the project to receive the airdrops. These may vary depending on the type of airdrops (automatic or manual) and the project in question, but generally involve the following:

📌Create a wallet compatible with the token or currency you are going to receive. For example, if the project uses the Ethereum network, you'll need an ERC-20 compatible wallet.

📌Register on the project platform or on the airdrops website with your email address and your wallet address.

📌Complete the tasks or actions required by the project, such as following your social networks, inviting friends, answering surveys, watching videos or making transactions.

📌Wait for the project to distribute the tokens or coins among the airdrops participants. This can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks or months, depending on the project and the number of participants.

📌Once you receive the airdrops in your wallet, you can do whatever you want with them: save them for the future, exchange them for other cryptocurrencies, sell them for fiat (fiat) money or use them to access services or benefits of the project.

Notably, airdrops are important for the crypto and blockchain ecosystem because they allow more people to access the innovations and opportunities offered by these technologies. In addition, airdrops contribute to the decentralization and diversity of crypto communities by encouraging participation and interest from different groups and regions.

Users should take advantage of airdrops as a way to acquire capital without investing, as they can get free cryptocurrencies that could reach potential value in the future. They are unique opportunities to participate from the beginning in new projects that can generate profits in the short and medium term, if they have a good value proposition, a solid team and a growing demand.

To find the best airdrops you can consult websites such as: and, which offer updated and verified lists of the most recent and profitable airdrops. One can also follow the news and social networks of crypto projects that may launch airdrops in the future.

I consider airdrops to be a simple and fun way to enter the crypto world and discover new projects, however, you should always be very careful with possible frauds or scams that may take advantage of the illusion of users. It is important that you research projects well before participating in any type of airdrops, and never share personal data or private keys with anyone.


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"You will ask yourself: And if I take a risk and lose...? I will ask you: AND IF YOU RISK AND WIN? Success begins with thought, because sooner or later the man who wins is the one who believes he can do it. Do not be afraid of mistakes or failure, winners are not afraid of losing, losers are, in most cases the risk comes from not knowing what you are doing, so trust yourself, learn, be patient, manage your emotions and above all, enjoy the journey, what the wise man does at the beginning, the fool does at the end" - Anonymous.

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Author's Note: The opinion expressed here is not investment advice, is provided for informational purposes only, and reflects the opinion of the author only. I do not promote, endorse or recommend any particular investment. Investments may not be right for everyone. Every investment in the market and every trade you make involves risk, so you should always do your own research before making any decision. I do not recommend investing money that you cannot afford to chair, as you could lose the entire amount invested.

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