How I got my first ambassadorial Job pt.2

3 Jul 2022

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How I came across Zenlink

Do you all take testnets seriously? Because if you don't, you might want to reconsider.

During Zenlink's first testnet, I took part in it and was amongst the top 100 testers out of about a thousand testers. That was my motivation to get really involved with them.

So I learned everything I needed to know about Zenlink, was partially active in the Zenlink community etc. At some point, Zenlink had a Community Contest, in which I was among the top 5 writing contest winners. 

My journey continued with Zenlink for a while and boom, an opportunity presented itself.
It is said, "when opportunity and preparation collide, success is inevitable", that was my story.

Zenlink finally needed a community moderator and ambassador, I sent in my application with all my previous history with their project, and it didn't take long when  I got the invitation to be their ambassador

To be continued...

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