
21 Feb 2023

Forgive if you have the power to conquer even the armies of the gods. When Arjuna heard him say, "We will forgive our enemies," his charioteer Krishna said to him, "You speak the language of a wise man, but you are not wise yourself, you are a coward." A man should live in this world as a lotus leaf stays in the water and remains detached from it. This is the battlefield. Make your way through war. Life in this world is an attempt to attain God. Let the self-willed power of sacrifice manifest in your life.

We must learn to control all the centers in the brain. Happiness in life is the first step. Corporal penance is extremely bad. Laughter is better than prayer. sing songs Come out of misery. Please don't make others sad with your sadness. Do not think that God sells happiness. Let flowers, perfumes, beautiful pictures surround you. Saints used to go to mountain peaks to enjoy nature.

The second step is sanctification.

The third step is to completely regulate and divert the mind. Discern truth and falsehood. God alone is truth. Take this suffix. Even if you think for a moment that I am not God, great fear will arise. The moment you think 'I am God' you will get great peace and great happiness. Regulate the senses. Even if someone curses me, I should be able to see God in them. Because of my weakness, I am cursing God. When you benefit a poor person, he is actually giving you a special opportunity. That's your luck. By God's grace you get the opportunity to worship God in this way.
The history of the world is made by a few people who believe in themselves. Such faith reveals the divinity within. Then you can do everything. You only fail if you don't try hard enough to manifest the infinite power within you. When any person or nation becomes faithless, death follows.

There is divinity within us, it cannot be suppressed by sectarian dogma or deception. Wherever there is civilization, the words of a handful of Greeks come to be heard. Some mistakes will always happen. Don't be sad. Have a deep and subtle vision. Don't think 'I did what I did, it would have been better if I had done it better'. If man was not God, by now mankind would have gone mad with his prayers and repentance.

No one will be left behind, no one will perish. All will be fulfilled in the end. Day and night keep saying, brothers, “Come up! You are the infinite ocean of holiness. become god Manifest your divinity. "

What is civilization? Consciousness of the inner divinity is civilization. When you have time, meditate on these thoughts frequently and wish for liberation. That's all. Forbid what is not God. Constantly meditate on that which is God. Keep meditating on it day and night. Therefore, the veil of ignorance will become thinner.

I am not a man, not a god. The distinction between men and women does not apply to me.. I have no limits. I am knowledge. I am Brahman. I neither hate nor anger. I am neither happy nor sad. I am never born and I will never die, because I am the form of knowledge, the form of bliss Forgive if you have the power to conquer even the armies of the gods. When Arjuna heard him say, "We will forgive our enemies," his charioteer Krishna said to him, "You speak the language of a wise man, but you are not wise yourself, you are a coward." A man should live in this world as a lotus leaf stays in the water and remains detached from it. This is the battlefield. Make your way through war. Life in this world is an attempt to attain God. Let the self-willed power of sacrifice manifest in your life.

We must learn to control all the centers in the brain. Happiness in life is the first step. Corporal penance is extremely bad. Laughter is better than prayer. sing songs Come out of misery. Please don't make others sad with your sadness. Do not think that God sells happiness. Let flowers, perfumes, beautiful pictures surround you. Saints used to go to mountain peaks to enjoy nature.

The second step is sanctification.

The third step is to completely regulate and divert the mind. Discern truth and falsehood. God alone is truth. Take this suffix. Even if you think for a moment that I am not God, great fear will arise. The moment you think 'I am God' you will get great peace and great happiness. Regulate the senses. Even if someone curses me, I should be able to see God in them. Because of my weakness, I am cursing God. When you benefit a poor person, he is actually giving you a special opportunity. That's your luck. By God's grace you get the opportunity to worship God in this way.
The history of the world is made by a few people who believe in themselves. Such faith reveals the divinity within. Then you can do everything. You only fail if you don't try hard enough to manifest the infinite power within you. When any person or nation becomes faithless, death follows.

There is divinity within us, it cannot be suppressed by sectarian dogma or deception. Wherever there is civilization, the words of a handful of Greeks come to be heard. Some mistakes will always happen. Don't be sad. Have a deep and subtle vision. Don't think 'I did what I did, it would have been better if I had done it better'. If man was not God, by now mankind would have gone mad with his prayers and repentance.

No one will be left behind, no one will perish. All will be fulfilled in the end. Day and night keep saying, brothers, “Come up! You are the infinite ocean of holiness. become god Manifest your divinity. "

What is civilization? Consciousness of the inner divinity is civilization. When you have time, meditate on these thoughts frequently and wish for liberation. That's all. Forbid what is not God. Constantly meditate on that which is God. Keep meditating on it day and night. Therefore, the veil of ignorance will become thinner.

I am not a man, not a god. The distinction between men and women does not apply to me.. I have no limits. I am knowledge. I am Brahman. I neither hate nor anger. I am neither happy nor sad. I am never born and I will never die, because I am the form of knowledge, the form of bliss Forgive if you have the power to conquer even the armies of the gods. When Arjuna heard him say, "We will forgive our enemies," his charioteer Krishna said to him, "You speak the language of a wise man, but you are not wise yourself, you are a coward." A man should live in this world as a lotus leaf stays in the water and remains detached from it. This is the battlefield. Make your way through war. Life in this world is an attempt to attain God. Let the self-willed power of sacrifice manifest in your life.

We must learn to control all the centers in the brain. Happiness in life is the first step. Corporal penance is extremely bad. Laughter is better than prayer. sing songs Come out of misery. Please don't make others sad with your sadness. Do not think that God sells happiness. Let flowers, perfumes, beautiful pictures surround you. Saints used to go to mountain peaks to enjoy nature.

The second step is sanctification.

The third step is to completely regulate and divert the mind. Discern truth and falsehood. God alone is truth. Take this suffix. Even if you think for a moment that I am not God, great fear will arise. The moment you think 'I am God' you will get great peace and great happiness. Regulate the senses. Even if someone curses me, I should be able to see God in them. Because of my weakness, I am cursing God. When you benefit a poor person, he is actually giving you a special opportunity. That's your luck. By God's grace you get the opportunity to worship God in this way.
The history of the world is made by a few people who believe in themselves. Such faith reveals the divinity within. Then you can do everything. You only fail if you don't try hard enough to manifest the infinite power within you. When any person or nation becomes faithless, death follows.

There is divinity within us, it cannot be suppressed by sectarian dogma or deception. Wherever there is civilization, the words of a handful of Greeks come to be heard. Some mistakes will always happen. Don't be sad. Have a deep and subtle vision. Don't think 'I did what I did, it would have been better if I had done it better'. If man was not God, by now mankind would have gone mad with his prayers and repentance.

No one will be left behind, no one will perish. All will be fulfilled in the end. Day and night keep saying, brothers, “Come up! You are the infinite ocean of holiness. become god Manifest your divinity. "

What is civilization? Consciousness of the inner divinity is civilization. When you have time, meditate on these thoughts frequently and wish for liberation. That's all. Forbid what is not God. Constantly meditate on that which is God. Keep meditating on it day and night. Therefore, the veil of ignorance will become thinner.

I am not a man, not a god. The distinction between men and women does not apply to me.. I have no limits. I am knowledge. I am Brahman. I neither hate nor anger. I am neither happy nor sad. I am never born and I will never die, because I am the form of knowledge, the form of bliss

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