The Basics of Yield Farming: How to Earn Passive Income in DeFi

21 Aug 2023

Yield farming, also known as liquidity mining, is a way to generate rewards with cryptocurrency holdings. It involves lending crypto assets to decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols and earning interest and fees in return. Yield farming has become popular in recent years as a way for cryptocurrency holders to earn passive income on their digital asset holdings.

How Does Yield Farming Work?

Yield farming works by providing liquidity to DeFi protocols and receiving a portion of the trading fees and rewards in return. Here is a step-by-step overview of how yield farming works:

  1. You select a DeFi lending protocol that offers yield farming incentives. Popular options include Compound, Aave, Curve Finance, Uniswap, and Balancer.
  2. You provide liquidity to the protocol by depositing your crypto assets into a liquidity pool. This could involve depositing ETH and stablecoins into a pool to provide liquidity for trading pairs.
  3. The protocol uses your deposited crypto assets for lending and trading activities. You receive governance tokens or interest as a reward for providing liquidity.
  4. You can choose to compound your returns and re-invest your yield farming rewards to increase your income over time. Or you can withdraw the rewards and convert them to another token or fiat currency.

So in summary, you earn rewards for depositing your crypto assets into DeFi protocols that utilize them for lending and trading services. It's a way to generate returns on holdings that would otherwise be sitting idle. The more liquidity you provide, and the longer you commit it for, the greater your yield farming returns.

DeFi Tokens

When you provide liquidity to a DeFi protocol for yield farming, you receive tokenized assets in return. These governance tokens and reward tokens give you certain rights and benefits:

  • Governance tokens - Allow holders to vote on governance decisions for the protocol. This gives you a say in how the platforms evolve.
  • Reward tokens - Earned as rewards based on your contribution to the platform. You can claim these rewards and compound them back into the platform or withdraw them.

Some of the most common reward tokens include COMP (Compound), UNI (Uniswap), SNX (Synthetix), CRV (Curve), and YFI ( Understanding the tokenomics behind different DeFi platforms is key to assessing the potential returns from yield farming with them.

Yield Farming Risks

While yield farming offers the potential for lucrative returns, it does come with some risks to be aware of:

  • Impermanent loss - If token prices change significantly, liquidity providers can lose money compared to simply holding the assets. The risks are higher with volatile assets like cryptocurrencies.
  • Smart contract bugs - Bugs in smart contracts can lead to exploits and loss of funds. Only use audited and reputable protocols.
  • Inflationary rewards - Some farms distribute extremely high reward yields, which may create inflationary pressures on token prices.
  • Network congestion - DeFi activity can strain networks like Ethereum, leading to slow transaction times and high gas fees.
  • Regulatory uncertainty - Yield farming exists in legal gray areas in some jurisdictions. Regulations can change and affect projects.

By understanding these risks, you can take steps to mitigate them through wise protocol selection, limiting position sizes, setting prudent compounding schedules, and monitoring gas costs.

How to Get Started With Yield Farming

If you want to get your feet wet with yield farming, follow these steps:

1. Acquire cryptocurrency

You'll need to hold cryptocurrencies to begin yield farming. Some popular options include Ether (ETH), stablecoins like DAI or USDC, governance tokens like COMP and UNI, and DeFi coins like SNX and YFI. You can purchase these on centralized exchanges like Coinbase or decentralized exchanges like Uniswap.

2. Select a DeFi platform

Research DeFi lending protocols to find ones that are reputable, offer high reward yields on your preferred coins, and suit your risk tolerance. Compound, Aave, Yearn Finance, Curve, Balancer, Bancor, and Rabby are good options to look at.

3. Connect your wallet

You'll need a Web3 wallet like MetaMask that allows connectivity to DeFi apps. Make sure you store your private keys securely. Connect your wallet to the DeFi platform you want to use.

4. Provide liquidity

Deposit your crypto assets into the protocol's liquidity pools to start earning yield based on your contribution. Make sure to pay attention to optimal pool ratios.

5. Earn rewards
Sit back and watch your contributed liquidity be put to work! Your account balance will grow as you earn reward tokens. Claim your rewards at regular intervals and consider compounding to maximize APY.

6. Monitor and withdraw

Don't just set it and forget it. Periodically check back to monitor your positions and rewards. Most pools have a fixed ideal duration, after which you can withdraw your liquidity and rewards.

Start off cautiously with small positions to learn the ropes. Over time you can optimize your capital allocation across multiple pools and DeFi platforms to build up your crypto yield portfolio.

DeFi Lending Platforms

There are numerous DeFi platforms that offer yield farming opportunities. Here is an overview of some of the top yield farming platforms:


  • One of the earliest and most popular DeFi lending protocols
  • Supports yield farming forsupplying liquidity for ETH, stablescoins like DAI and USDC, and other major assets
  • COMP governance token rewards earned by suppliers
  • Interest rates can be around 2-5% APY plus COMP rewards


  • Leading decentralized lending and borrowing platform
  • Offers yield farming incentives for deposits in the liquidity pool
  • Supplies flash loans and a wide range of crypto assets
  • Rewards interest and AAVE tokens to liquidity providers

Curve Finance

  • Decentralized exchange designed for efficient stablecoin trading
  • Minimal slippage swaps between stables like USDT, DAI, USDC
  • Liquidity providers earn trading fees and CRV governance tokens


  • Decentralized ERC-20 token exchange utilizing liquidity pools
  • Popular for yield farming by providing ETH or ERC-20 liquidity
  • Earn 0.3% trading fees from the pools plus UNI governance token rewards

Yearn Finance

  • DeFi aggregator for lending, swapping, and yield farming
  • Uses automation ("yVaults") to maximize yield farming returns
  • Earn YFI governance tokens in addition to asset rewards
  • Focuses on yield farming optimization


  • Decentralized Ethereum-based exchange
  • Automated portfolio manager and liquidity pool protocol
  • Lets users contribute to custom pools and earn BAL governance tokens


  • On-chain liquidity protocol that utilizes Smart Tokens
  • Impermanent loss protection for liquidity providers
  • Earn fees and BNT tokens by adding liquidity


  • Yield optimizer for lending assets across multiple DeFi protocols
  • Uses automation and strategies to maximize yield farming returns
  • Provides a hands-off approach to earning yields across platforms

The options are expanding all the time as DeFi continues rapid innovation. Evaluate the risks and potential APY to find the best yield farming opportunities tailored to your goals.

Maximizing Yield Farming Returns

Here are some tips for maximizing your yield farming returns:

  • Optimize governance power - Stack governance tokens like COMP, UNI, YFI to maximize your voting influence and earn more rewards.
  • Reinvest rewards - Compound your earned interest and rewards back into liquidity pools to accelerate your APY through the power of compounding.
  • Use idle assets - Don't let non-staked tokens sit idle. Put them to work earning yields.
  • Laddered strategies - Use a laddered approach with assets locked up for different periods to balance risk and capture gains.
  • Monitor gas costs - Times of congestion can spike gas fees, reducing profitability. Use gas price notifications to minimize unnecessary transactions.
  • Compare opportunities - Spread capital across the highest yielding opportunities and platforms. Shift assets as yields change.
  • Manage impermanent loss - Be aware of divergent price movements in pooled assets that may erase your gains. Rebalance when needed.
  • Use automation - Platforms like Yearn Finance and Rabby use automated smart contracts ("yVaults") to find the best yields.
  • Take profit - Have a plan for realizing some of your yield farming gains, while keeping funds working to generate ongoing income.

With the right yield farming strategy, you can put your crypto to work and potentially generate very strong returns over time through the power of compounding. Just make sure to monitor and manage risks.

Yield Farming with Stablecoins

Stablecoins are crypto assets with prices pegged to fiat currency like the US dollar. This makes them ideal for yield farming, since you avoid the volatility of non-stable cryptocurrencies. Here are some ways to use stablecoins for yield farming:

  • Provide liquidity in Curve pools to earn trading fees and CRV rewards
  • Supply assets on lending platforms like Compound and Aave to earn interest
  • Add stablecoin liquidity to automated yield farming aggregators like Yearn Finance
  • Provide liquidity for stablecoin/ETH pools on Uniswap and earn fees and UNI
  • Use platforms like Convex Finance and Lido Finance to optimize stablecoin yield farming rewards

Major stablecoins for yield farming include DAI, USDC, USDT, BUSD. You can also yield farm algorithmic stablecoins like FRAX and LUSD. Pros of stablecoin yield farming include minimal impermanent loss, predictable APYs, and compounding gains. Just watch out for high Ethereum gas fees.

Risks of Yield Farming

As a nascent and lightly regulated activity, yield farming does come with certain risks. Some of the main risks include:

  • Smart contract risk - Code vulnerabilities could lead to exploits draining funds
  • Impermanent loss - Volatility in token prices can erase profits from liquidity providing
  • Inflationary rewards - High incentivized token rewards dilute overall value
  • Platform risk - Reliability and sustainability issues with new DeFi platforms
  • Regulatory uncertainty - Evolving government oversight adds uncertainty
  • Tax complications - Puzzling out tax implications from yield farming rewards
  • Exchange rates - Converting rewards tokens into other assets can shift valuations
  • Gas costs - Fluctuating Ethereum gas prices impact profitability

To mitigate these risks, only use time-tested protocols, monitor positions closely, don't over-allocate capital to any one platform, claim rewards regularly, and consult tax experts knowledgeable in crypto. While yield farming has risks, it also provides opportunities not available in traditional finance. As with any emerging opportunity, educate yourself and proceed deliberately.

Taxes on Yield Farming

Yield farming can generate very attractive returns, but also creates tax implications to be aware of. Here are some key tax considerations:

  • Rewards and interest are typically taxed as ordinary income based on their fair market value at time of receipt.
  • If you hold reward tokens for over a year before selling, capital gains treatment may apply when you do sell.
  • Impermanent loss can result in capital losses that may be tax deductible.
  • Swapping tokens or providing liquidity triggers tax events based on the value received compared to your basis.
  • Detailed recordkeeping is crucial for yield farming to track cost basis, fair market value of rewards, gas fees, and all transactions.
  • Consult a knowledgeable CPA to assist with yield farming taxes, as there are many nuances. Taxes should not deter you from earning yield, but proper planning will ensure you maximize after-tax returns.

Many yield farmers choose to set aside a portion of rewards, such as 30%, to cover potential tax obligations. Yield farming certainly creates additional tax paperwork, but the income generated typically outweighs the extra reporting requirements. Just be sure to be diligent with your recordkeeping.

The Future of Yield Farming

Yield farming is still a nascent activity in the world of DeFi. Here are some possible ways it may evolve moving forward:

  • More optimization for maximizing yields across platforms automatically
  • Integration with decentralized insurance to protect yields
  • Self-paying loans where borrowing and repaying loan occurs in a single transaction
  • Shift towards structured products for risk mitigation and customized yield exposure
  • Secondary markets for trading liquidity provider positions
  • Increased use of layer 2 scaling solutions like rollups to reduce gas costs
  • Enhanced interoperability between isolated DeFi platforms and ecosystems
  • Emergence of mobile-native yield farming solutions
  • Integration with real world assets like real estate, music royalties, and more
  • Regulation providing legal clarity but also constraints

There is massive appetite among crypto investors to put their assets to work earning yield. As the DeFi ecosystem progresses, yield farming is positioned to grow in utilization and sophistication. Savvy yield farmers stand to benefit greatly from this accelerating evolution.

Yield farming offers cryptocurrency holders a powerful way to put their assets to work generating passive income. By providing liquidity to decentralized lending platforms and earning interest, fees, and governance token rewards in return, users can compound and maximize their capital efficiency.

However, yield farming does come with risks like smart contract vulnerabilities, impermanent loss, gas costs, and regulatory uncertainty. Mitigating these risks requires choosing reputable protocols, monitoring positions closely, managing token volatility, and keeping current with governance proposals.

The yield farming ecosystem continues rapid innovation. Opportunities abound for maximizing yields across multiple platforms and tokens. Automated solutions are making yield farming more accessible for everyday users. Despite its risks, yield farming offers strong upside potential for crypto holders seeking to amplify their assets. With proper education and execution, yield farming can become a significant driver of portfolio growth.

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