Scars and their stories

20 Feb 2023

Each scar has a narrative.
What will yours reveal?
What will happen when I recover and am in good health?

I want my scar to serve as a reminder of what I've been through, how I persevered, and where I've come from.

I want my scar to speak of the suffering I went through, this really trying time, and the marathon I ran.

But more than anything, I want my scar to scream about my living Creator and speak of something bigger.

Let my scar serve as proof that a merciful Lord battled my terrifying battles and carried me to freedom.

Let my scar serve as a reminder that everything happens for a reason, that I couldn't do it on my own but could with God.

Let them examine.
Let them take a look.
God is awesome, as evidenced by my scar.
It focuses on Him, and definitely not on me.

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