Friendly greetings

29 Dec 2022

I want to be the kind of friend you have been to me; I want to be the help you have always been happy to have; and I want to mean as much to you every minute of every day as you have meant to me along the way, old friend of mine.

To remove the gray from your skies and leave just the blue, I would want to do the great and magnificent things for you. I would also like to speak the lovely things I have heard so often in the hopes of arousing your spirit in the same manner that you have done for mine.

while i hope there will never be a need for you, i'd like to return the delight you have brought me. i'd also like to make you feel as wealthy as i do since i am with you in your darkest moments, traveling undeterred.

if i could only grant one wish this year, it would be to be the kind of friend you have been to me over this holiday season. i wish i could just reciprocate some of the joy you have given me along the way.

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