CoinGecko Rewards: Gaming Voucher

17 Dec 2023

The second rewards in our series on CoinGecko candies, is one for the gamer's among us.

This is an airdropped voucher that entitles the user to a $20 USDT credit from Decentral Games. Let's have a look to see how we can claim it.
The cost is 400 candies. Each user is eligible to receive one voucher if they have the candies there to make the purchase.The steps are quite simple. You'll need an ETH wallet address (meta mask should work) and you'll need to create an account with Decentral Games
Despite being a voucher, you'll have to wait a few weeks for the reward. The competition closes on 31st Dec, and your airdrop should late December or early January depending on when you complete it. Now, some things to be aware of. Because it's gambling, there is a geo block on certain countries. You'll need to check that you're eligible before claiming. We've included a screen cap so you can check you location. It's larger than the usual list, so be careful And we've included the T&C's for you as well. Remember to DYOR and make your own decisions with regards to participation. If you decide to participate, good luck! Let us know if you decided to participate in the comments.

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