What is AIT Protocol (AIT)? Pioneering project to build Web3 data infrastructure

4 Feb 2024

With the potential and growth forecast of more than 21% annually, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are a lucrative piece of cake that many projects are always pursuing and developing . Among them, AIT Protocol is one of the pioneering projects in this field with the innovation of applying AI/MLWeb3. So what is AIT Protocol (AIT)? Let's find out with Coin68 through the article below.

What is AIT Protocol (AIT)? Pioneering project to build Web3 data infrastructure

What is AIT Protocol (AIT)?

AIT Protocol is a pioneering protocol in the field of building Web3 data infrastructure, the goal of this protocol is to process data and train AI models. To put it more simply, AIT Protocol will solve problems related to big data by using the power of machine learning. From there, reduce costs related to data processing and optimize the scalability of platforms.

Working mechanism of AIT Protocol

As we all know, when using social networking platforms like Facebook,XandFarcasterThe amount of user data generated is extremely large. Therefore, when a new project wants to process this amount of data, they will either need a team of many processors or an expensive AI to learn and process this amount of data (except Vietnamese). Therefore, AIT Protocol will solve this difficult problem by combining users and AI technology to open a new approach to machine learning.

Working mechanism of AIT Protocol

Specifically, AIT Protocol will encourage users to process and sentiment the data it receives. Users simply need to own an AIT iPass NFT to participate in the process and receive AIT tokens as a reward after AIT Protocol's AI evaluates the work based on the amount of data processed. 

Besides, in April 2023, AIT Protocol was integratedLayerZero OFTENandONFTso that users can receive rewards on multiple chains while also transferring assets including iPass NFTs between LayerZero-powered chains.

Basic information about AIT tokens

Token name 

AIT Token





Token standard




Uses of tokens

Utilities, rewards

Total supply

1,000,000,000 AIT

Circulating supply

52,558,017 AIT

Token allocation rate 

  • Angel Sale (5.6%) : 20% allocation at TGE.
  • Strategic Sale (2.1%) : Allocated 40% at TGE.
  • Public Sale (2.6%) : 100% allocated at TGE.
  • Team (10%) : 0% allocation at TGE.
  • Advisors (10%) : 11.8% allocation at TGE.
  • Train & Earn (24%) : 0% allocation at TGE.
  • Ecosystem (30%) : Allocated 0.8% at TGE.
  • Marketing (5%) : 0% allocation at TGE.
  • Liquidity (10.5%) : 25% allocation at TGE.

Development roadmap


  • Market research, idea generation and development.

Q1 - 2023

  • Form a framework for evaluating and labeling data.
  • Product testing.

Q2 - 2023

  • Community development and integration into LayerZero.

Q3 - 2023

  • Deploy cooperation with Web3 partners.
  • Launched chat bot to moderate and monitor AIT data.

Q4 - 2023

  • IntegrationLayer 1.
  • Deploy IDO on Ape Terminal and PAAL Community.
  • Listing AIT tokens aboveUniswap.


Currently, AIT Protocol has not yet announced the investment amount from its capital calls, the project only announced the names of participating investment funds such as: Contango, Alpha Protocol Ventures, Momentum,...


Above is general information about AIT Protocol and the features that this project has and will introduce to the market. Through the article, we hope Coin68 has brought readers the most general perspective on AIT Protocol as well as the ability to apply AI technology to data processing of this project.

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