Crypto Launchpad

9 Oct 2022

A launchpad is a platform for cryptocurrencies that helps investors find projects in the pre-market offering stage, when the potential for the best return on investment is highest.

Crypto launchpad programs make it simpler for even novice investors to participate by streamlining offers and creating an inherent trust factor for many investors.
To avoid and weed out frauds or rug-pulls, which are more prevalent and problematic on other non-launchpad platforms, a solid crypto launchpad evaluates each potential project. Due to the new service's popularity, a few platforms have already distinguished themselves.

A startup must first submit its idea to a launchpad. The launchpad and others discuss the project after that. It considers elements like potential for the future, team dynamics, and scalability. The name for this process is vetting. Only after this process is over do they promote the projects on their platforms. You'll need the blockchain or the governance token for the Launchpad in order to participate as an investor.

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