Potential Projects Set to Dominate the Solana Season!

27 Dec 2023

In the last 90 days, Solana’s been on a wild ride, with prices soaring over 300%. Picture this: Solana, the ‘comeback kid’ after the crypto bear market triggered by FTX’s scandal, is slowly bouncing back. Money’s pouring into the Solana ecosystem, making it the life of the crypto party. With a robust community cheering it on, Solana’s not just active; it’s the MVP of crypto ecosystems. This strong community vibe is like rocket fuel for Solana projects, and we’ve seen it work wonders with successful launches like $PYTH and $JTO, doling out hefty airdrops and spreading joy. Now, there’s a lineup of potential stars in the Solana galaxy — projects that might just follow in the footsteps of $PYTH and $JTO. Buckle up, because if you’re after some serious gains, these are the projects you don’t want to sleep on. Let’s explore the Solana projects that could be serving up the next big airdrop feast!.

Jupiter Exchange Airdrop

Jupiter Exchange, Solana’s heavyweight decentralized exchange (DEX), is gearing up for a game-changing airdrop featuring its native token, $JUP. The airdrop comes in four phases, and the snapshot for phase 1 has already been captured, with distribution slated for January. Missed the first phase? No worries! The chance to score $JUP is still alive and well with phases 2, 3, and 4. Here’s the lowdown on securing your spot for the airdrop:

  1. Load up your Solana wallet (Solflare, Phantom, etc.) I suggest at least $100 in USDC for optimal eligibility.
  2. 2) Go to https://jup.ag/ to swap your USDC for SOL.
  3. 3) Dive into the full Jupiter experience by interacting with all its features — limit orders, DCA, bridge, perpetual.

Want to boost your chances? Amp up your interaction volume by making Jupiter a regular part of your crypto routine. Ready, set, airdrop!.

SolBlaze Airdrop

BlazeStake, the Solana Foundation-backed non-custodial staking sensation, is making waves. Stake your SOL with BlazeStake, and in return, score some sweet BlazeStake Staked SOL (bSOL) tokens, ready to roll in the world of DeFi apps. Here’s the scoop: BlazeStake spreads the staking love across a whopping 200+ Solana validators, championing decentralization. And guess what? They’ve already dropped their native token, $BLZE, to sprinkle some extra rewards on their users.
Now, for the nitty-gritty on $BLZE: it’s a Liquid Staking token, just like the mighty $JTO. Speaking of which, $JTO is strutting at $2.5, while $BLZE is chilling at $0.0036 — yep, that’s 650 times cheaper than $JTO! The plot thickens: there’s a chance $BLZE could catch up to $JTO in the future. Don’t blink — you might miss out on this golden opportunity. Ready to dive in and qualify for the SolBlaze Airdrop? Follow these steps:

  1. Head to https://stake.solblaze.org/?r=77009612409ad529.
  2. Swap your SOL for bSOL.
  3. Boost your SolBlaze score by playing around with bSOL in DeFi hotspots like Marginfi and Kamino Finance. Or, if you’re playing it safe, just HODL your bSOL.

Voila! $BLZE airdrops will find their way to your wallet periodically, based on your bSOL stash. Let the airdrop games begin!.

Kamino Finance Airdrop

Originally, Kamino set out to make liquidity providing and yield earning a breeze. Fast forward, their one-click, auto-compounding liquidity strategies are Solana’s hottest LP products, setting the stage for Kamino’s DeFi evolution. Today, Kamino is the DeFi trailblazer, merging Lending, Liquidity, and Leverage into one slick suite.
Hold onto your hats — Kamino’s teasing an upcoming points program, and word on the street is, they might just drop their very own native token. Keen to be an early point farmer in the Kamino universe? Here’s the lowdown:

  1. Go to https://app.kamino.finance/.
  2. Dive into all things Kamino. Pro tip: get cozy with bSOL — it’s got the highest TVL on Kamino.

It’s still the early innings with Kamino, so you definitely don’t want to snooze on this golden opportunity. Get in there and let the points roll!.


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