Who Got Liquidated?!

5 Feb 2025

This article was compiled from a long-form twitter thread. To read the original, visit this link: https://x.com/inv515/status/1886757484817473843
Who Got Liquidated?!
It can be a rough time. But smart risk management combined with a great product suite, helps keep your assets in your wallet.
@KaminoFinance has your back during times of volatility.
The Crash
Predicting price movements can be tricky.
That's why using tools to help manage and understand risk, is the best way to help keep yourself protected.
Depending on your strategy, this can cover a few things.
1. Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratios
Kamino provides clear visibility on your LTV ratios.
The "Borrow Factors" allow for intricate position risk management, helping you adjust based on risk rating.
Overall, being cautious with your borrow ratio will help when volatility hits.
2.Risk Dashboard
The Risk Dashboard helps to understand the health of your positions.
It shows how close you are to liquidation & helps you make informed decisions about your position.
You can also use this to explore market changes before you buy back in.
Try it out.
3. Leverage
Open Multiply positions will be vulnerable to volatility in general.
If you're seeing large shifts, it's worth adding collateral or reducing exposure to keep your LTV stable.
This should reduce the overall risk of having your position liquidated.
4. FUDWhen the drop hits, FUD is everywhere. This can make it easier to justify closing positions.
Crypto is crypto & it's volatile. Incorporating risk management before the dip hits means you can make smart choices.
NFA, but a dip is a buy-in chance if you plan for it.
5. Other Tools
You don't have to be a perp trader to make the most of smart tools.
HampterVision by @hampterfi gives you an assessment of conditions based on live data.
Feed it a chart to get an emotion-free analysis of what might come next regarding price.
Overall, Kamino aims to keep liquidations to a minimum.
This is good, it means that smart planning + their toolkit can give you everything you need to avoid it.
The docs are great for learning more. Use the Discord if you need help.
Kamino encourages creators by sponsoring content programs to support community growth.
Earn rewards for creating tutorial threads like this one.
You can also share your own experiences using the platform.
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End of Thread

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