How I became the Bobarian of the Month

4 Jul 2022

Here is just a story of how I started as an ordinary community member of Boba Network and grew to the point of becoming the Bobabrian of the Month.

The Bobarian of the month title is given to the most active user in the Boba Network, this is aimed to build a great community and encourage its members to stay active in the community.

Boba Network is an Ethereum layer-2 project, to ME I will say it is one of the best. Winks...

How I knew about Boba Network?

A few months ago, the Boba Network introduced their TuringMonster NFT which was open to everyone to mint, being a Blockchain, I didn't hesitate to mint 2 TuringMonster NFT. 
That was actually the first time I ever heard about Boba Network. Well, as a good community member I stayed and followed up on the community events.

Fast forward to March, they introduced their Bobarian of the Month recognition.

To be continued...

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