What happened in Crypto in the last 12h

20 Jan 2024

What happened in Crypto in the last 12h

- $UMA 'Oval' @hal2001

- $AKT 1,000 NVIDIA A100 Proposal
- Mines of Dalarnia Rebranding
- $SYN 'RFQ bridging'
- $STRK$STRIKE Ticker change
- @zachxbt

• SEC vs Binance court hearing postponed to Monay due to weather.

• According to UMA co-founder @hal2001
, their upcoming 'Oval' feature aims to reclaim over $100M lost yearly in DeFi to MEV.

$AKT - Akash team proposes $5M in $AKT for GPU supply. If Proposal passes, expecting 1,000 NVIDIA A100 equivalents at $0.79/hour.

$DAR - Mines of Dalarnia hints at rebranding. New Brand soon to be revealed.

$FRONT - Frontier Wallet's proposal to rebrand from $FRONT to $SELF passes unanimously. *The Chinese community claims that $SELF is the new $TIA-Beta.

$ICX - ICON Network proposes to support @BalancedDAO
with economic enshrinement. @BalancedDAO
to allocate 50% of revenue to buy and burn ICX.

$MVL - MVL announces launch of "90 days Locked MVL Staking" program next week.

#RSS3 - RSS3 to launch Mainnet in Q1.

$RON - Ronin Wallet to support ETH, BSC, MATIC, with updates rolling out over next 14 days.

$STRAT - Stratis Token swap rescheduled to Mar 20.

$STRK - Strike Finance announces ticker change from STRK to STRIKE on Jan 22. (Kucoin confirmed, Upbit expected to follow)

$SYN - Synapse announces RFQ bridging is live, a major upgrade since their launch.

warns "Be careful CT's PPL, token will be dumped." It maybe $SAVM.

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