
17 Oct 2023

“Bitcoin Spot ETF just got approved”

- Oh what a day! Let’s long the f*ck out of $BTC, flip the finger to our boss, and make that Wife changing money! Today is the day, that I will shovel in everyone’s face I told you so prick! Ah ah ah! (Pushes old lady from wheeling chair, spills whisky on top of her, lights a cig, takes a hit, throws the cig, and burns the place down).

- Wait? What?! What do you mean? It wasn’t approved? But I just saw CoinTelegraph stating that the ETF was indeed approved?! 100M shorts got liquidated, it has to be true! You trippin! What? They are lying? What do you mean on purpose? OH SH*T! No way, ain’t no f*cking way (insert Future meme here) They were longing?! What? 2 Millions? They catch out 2 Millions?! Oh my! CoinTelegraph just went ShitCoinTelegraph!

So let’s see if I got this right:
CoinTelegraph posted about $BTC spot ETF being approved, knowing it was not true. And they had an open long position, cashing out $2 Million! The “news” impacted the market, and 100 million shorts, were liquidated.

Journalism at its finest. I would like to extend this topic, but I guess there is nothing much I can say that hasn’t been said yet. I mean, it’s pretty self-explanatory. I just can picture Charles Hoskinson (Cardano Founder) having good laughter with all of this, considering the beef between the Cardano community and CoinTelegraph.

It’s sad though. Sad for everyone in crypto, that has to deal with the BS every single day. It makes us look silly and amateurish as an industry, and once again will be everyone’s fault in the space and crypto will once again become the TradFI laughing stock. Media coverage will sensationalize the situation and attack us in every way possible, when it was the same centralized media, that “leaked” this wrong info in a deliberate manner. Well, It is not the first time and it won’t be the last.

If you have been here for a while, you know that the crypto-verse has been subjected to lots of controversies over the years, probably this will be just one more of those situations, or it is something that can have huge repercussions for the entire ecosystem. So, in these kinds of situations, the best we can do is to focus on the long-term prospect of Web3 and its potential as a disruptive technology and watch the drama unfold from the sidelines.

If there is a lesson here, (there are several actually), is that media can’t be trusted. I understand that I may be generalizing, and going against my own words in the last paragraph, where I criticize this type of action, but in all honesty, this was just an extreme example of what some bad actors, are capable of doing when it comes to their own pockets. This type of market manipulation is not only disturbing but also has a significant impact on people’s lives. Despite being a “funny” situation (due to the levels of “surrealism”), this behavior is far from acceptable, it’s actually gross.

This was an out-of-this-world occasion, but how many times has this happened before? How often have media outlets intentionally fed us misleading information? How many times have you been manipulated to act according to what you see or read, and it wasn’t entirely the truth?

We are living in a World, where the source (sauce) cannot be trusted anymore. Is ironic, how the “I made it up” meme, has become so real.
Shame on you CoinTelegraph! Probably you will blame the “intern” or find a scapegoat to blame, and keep bringing the same “quality journalism” that you have been bringing so far.

Where have you seen, a serious company, editing their posts, to try to “avoid” jurisdiction, and enforcement acts? It is disgustingly foolish. We have to be living in a simulation, there is no other explanation.
Although, I think that we as an industry should be celebrating. After all, what we took as a legitimate source of information, made the worst move that they could have possibly made, showing their true colors, and it helped open our eyes.

Also, not everything is bad. There is a positive outcome out of all of this if you are a scammy project… Probably the article price just got way cheaper over there, so take your shot bro! Promote the hell of your project at a discount. In the same way real recognizes real, fake recognizes fake?!

As an end note, it should be mentioned the maximum irony about all of this:
CoinTelegraph’s “news”, just became “news”! May this be the Telegraph's demise!

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