20 Apr 2024

Making corn beer, also known as chicha de maíz or sha in my area is a traditional process that requires some time and patience. Here's a simplified processs of corn beer making :


Corn (maize)


Sugar (optional)


Instructions :

Prepare the Corn: Start by selecting dried corn. You can use either yellow or white corn. Remove any husks or debris from the corn. Then, wash the corn thoroughly.

Boil the Corn: In a large pot, boil the corn in water until it becomes soft. This can take several hours, so be patient. Some people also add a bit of baking soda to help soften the corn faster.

Mash the Corn: Once the corn is soft, you'll need to mash it. Traditionally, this was done by hand, but you can also use a food processor or blender to create a coarse mash.

Fermentation: Transfer the mashed corn into a fermentation vessel, such as a large bucket or carboy. Add water to the mashed corn to create a slurry. If you want a sweeter beer, you can also add sugar at this stage.

Add Yeast : Sprinkle yeast over the corn mixture. Stir it in gently. The yeast will kickstart the fermentation process.

Ferment : Cover the fermentation vessel with a lid or cloth to prevent contaminants from entering. Let it ferment for several days to a week. Keep an eye on it and check for signs of fermentation, such as bubbling.

Strain and Bottle : Once fermentation is complete, strain the liquid to remove the solids. Transfer the liquid into bottles or jars for storage.

Carbonation (Optional): If you want your corn beer to be carbonated, you can add a small amount of sugar to each bottle before sealing it. This will create carbonation as the remaining yeast ferments the added sugar.

Age : Allow the beer to age for a few weeks to develop its flavor.

Enjoy : Once aged, your corn beer is ready to be enjoyed! Serve it chilled and share it with friends and family.

Remember, this is a basic overview, and the exact process may v
ary pending on personal preferences and traditional methods.

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