The #1 Work From Home Business For Beginners In 2024

16 Jan 2024

From Broke High School Student to YouTube Mogul

Back when I was a completely broke high school student, I discovered a way to make money online that ended up changing my life. At first, I had no idea you could even make money from YouTube. I was just a 16 year old kid copying what other popular channels were doing. But once I realized there was an income generating opportunity hidden in plain sight, I dove in head first.
Little did I know that this side hustle would make me financially free before I even graduated high school! Now at 25 years old, I make over $1000 per day from this business. And in this article, I’ll break down exactly how I did it step-by-step so you can do the same.
We strongly recommend that you check out our guide on how to take advantage of AI in today’s passive income economy.

How I Make Over $10,000 Per Month With My Own YouTube Channels

I operate niche YouTube channels focused on topics like health, wealth, psychology and relationships. The key is to find a niche with an eager audience willing to consume content regularly. I target categories that have high cost-per-impression ad rates, meaning I make the most money per view.
My channels are completely faceless, meaning I never appear on camera. I don’t even create the videos myself! Instead, I source free stock footage online, record educational voiceovers, and edit everything together into consumable content.
The topics I choose already have thriving communities on YouTube. I study what content is performing well and model my own videos after the highest performing ones. This formula has allowed my channels to explode in popularity.
Once I build up a backlog of high-quality videos, they start to compound and feed into each other through YouTube’s recommendation algorithm. The more content I have, the more views I get, and the more money I make! It’s a true hands-off passive income stream that allows me to make a full time living online.

From Skeptic to Believer: Seeing is Believing

I know what you might be thinking: “This sounds too good to be true!” Trust me, I felt the exact same way when I first discovered this business model. But seeing truly is believing.
Once I started to see real channels employ this strategy to great success, I knew I had to try it for myself. For example, take the health channel Body Hub. They easily get millions of views per month by curating and repurposing free stock footage into polished content. I estimate they bring in over $20,000 per month from their AdSense revenue alone!
Seeing examples like this convinced me that anyone can make real money online through YouTube. You don’t need special equipment, editing skills or even show your face on camera. All you need is a computer, a microphone, and a willingness to learn.

Step-By-Step: How I Create My Videos

Here is the exact step-by-step process I use to create my niche YouTube videos:

Step 1: Choose a Profitable Niche

I like to focus on evergreen niches with rabid fans who come back over and over. Typically I target health, wealth, psychology and relationships. I also look for categories with high ad rates like finance, business, technology and gaming.
I confirm the niche has an existing audience on YouTube by looking for channels with at least 500k monthly views. I check that individual videos in the niche get 100k+ views. Tools like VidIQ make this research fast and easy.

Step 2: Set Up Your YouTube Channel

Assuming you already have a YouTube account, simply click on your profile picture and select “Create Channel”. Choose a name relevant to your niche — I often use a business name generator for ideas.
Create a channel icon and artwork. Tools like Snappa have premade templates that only take seconds to customize.

Step 3: Find Trending Video Ideas

I get most of my best video ideas straight from YouTube. I’ll search my niche and find the top channels and most popular videos.
For example, searching “psychology” on YouTube shows channels like Psych2Go and Cinema Therapy are dominating. Going through their most viewed videos gives me a blueprint for exactly the type of content I should create.
I jot down at least 30 video ideas in a simple Google doc before moving onto the next step.

Step 4: Script, Record and Edit Your Video

For each video idea, I’ll watch the top ranking videos on the topic and take notes on key points to include in my own video. I’ll read related articles for more insight as well.
Then I’ll write a script in my own words based on my research. I like to shoot for a length of 8+ minutes, which allows me to include multiple ads and maximizes revenue.
I’ll record my voiceover audio using just my smartphone mic (quality is great these days!). Then I source relevant free stock footage and images to overlay the narration. A quick search on Pixabay, Pexels or other free sites and I’m good to go.
Using a simple editing program like PowerDirector or iMovie, I chop the footage into small clips, insert my voiceover, add text overlays and transitions, and export a polished final video! The whole process usually takes a few hours.

Step 5: Upload and Optimize Your Video

With my video exported and ready to go, it’s time to get it up on YouTube!
I fill out the title and description with relevant keywords, aiming for slight variation from competing videos.
For the thumbnail, I follow proven formulas used by top channels. Bold text, minimal elements, and some type of intrigue (like an arrow or circle) seem to work well. A tool like Snappa makes it easy to whip up a custom thumbnail in minutes.
Finally, I include a CTA in the description to a related affiliate offer so I can earn commission on top of the ad revenue. Products on sites like ClickBank often convert well.

Step 6: Rinse and Repeat

Posting 10 videos is unlikely to get your channel traction. You need a backlog of at least 30–60 videos for the algorithm to start recommending your content.
It takes consistency over time, but as you build your portfolio of videos, they will start to compound upon each other. My channels have hundreds of videos that continue to generate income years after being uploaded.
Passive income from multiple channels allows me to have the freedom to live and work wherever I want!

Turn Your Interests Into Income With YouTube

As you can see, you don’t need fancy equipment or skills to make real money on YouTube. All it takes is consistency and a willingness to learn as you go.
I went from being a clueless teen to running a side business that allowed me to become financially independent before even graduating high school.
So choose a niche you’re passionate about, model what’s already working, provide value to viewers, and let YouTube do the rest! With a consistent uploading schedule, your channel can be generating thousands per month sooner than you think.
The freedom to work for myself and on my own terms is priceless. I’m thankful every day that I took action on this business model that now allows me to live life on my own terms.
I hope my step-by-step guide gives you everything you need to create your own successful niche YouTube channel! Just stay focused, keep creating quality content, and your hard work will pay off.
If you found this helpful, be sure to check out my other articles and videos for even more tips on starting and growing your online business. I want to help as many people as possible achieve the freedom and fulfillment that comes from being your own boss.
Thanks for reading, and best of luck on your online business journey!
We strongly recommend that you check out our guide on how to take advantage of AI in today’s passive income economy.

Work From Home
Make Money Online
Passive Income


Written by Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑

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