Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks What is DePIN?

12 Jan 2024

Today, there are a number of blockchain networks that encourage communities to build physical infrastructure networks from scratch and use tokens to achieve this. The general name of these networks is Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks, or DePIN for short. Decentralization refers to networks that support both physical and digital infrastructures.
DePIN projects encourage the establishment and development of physical infrastructures such as mobility, electric vehicle charging, and telecom in the real world, while rewarding providers with tokens. These projects are often open source, and the public availability of contributors and user data offers great advantages in terms of transparency and accessibility. Therefore, developers can create decentralized applications (dApps) adding value and benefits to the DePIN ecosystem.

The four categories in DePIN are as follows:
Cloud/storage networks: File storage, relational database, CDN and VPN Networks.
Wireless networks: 5G, LoRaWAN (Internet of Things)
Sensor networks: Interconnected devices embedded with sensors that collect real-time data from the physical world, such as maps.
Energy networks: Brings together distributed energy resources to create a more flexible and efficient energy grid.
DePIN's usage area is quite wide and the benefits of this technology are obvious.
The advantages of decentralized management of physical devices with distributed ownership are many. Because it is a system that is low cost, fast to adopt, safe and has an incentive mechanism.
DePIN has great potential to create a better infrastructure than traditional structures. In particular, DePIN's contribution will be greater when real asset-based (RWA) projects are discussed.

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