An Old Man Lived in the Village

22 May 2022

An old lady was walking on the side of the road from the vegetable market late in the afternoon. She was carrying a bagful of vegetables. She was walking slowly and wiping her sweat now and then.

    A bike with a pillion rider was coming from the direction of vegetable market. Both the riders were wearing helmets. They moved steadily forward and crossed the lady and continued for about twenty meters ahead of her. Then they turned back and went past quickly towards the market. Then quickly they returned from her hind side. Before anyone could know what could happen, the pillion raider held out his hand quickly and snatched her gold chain from her neck. 

   She was shocked and startled. But she was helpless and weak. She left the vegetable bag and held her hands to the chain. She was dragged a little forward. But the robber won the chain due to the speed of the bike. She fell down on the road. She looked helplessly at the bike riders and shouted aloud "thief , thief..."

    All the people in the street saw her and the bike she pointed to. By that time the bike went past everyone nearby. One could notice only their bike color and their shirt colors. They couldn't see anything else.

    As the bike turned sharply to the right at the next junction into the main road, a car came across its way. The bike could not slow down enough quickly. It skid and just managed to avert a major accident. However, the riders on the bike fell down. People nearby and the occupants of the car came out. 

   By this time some people from the street came near the junction and shouted "thief , thief..." The thieves had no place to run or hide. They were on the ground in a little shock and dismay. Hearing the shouts a policewoman at the junction came and finally arrested the thieves. The old lady got back her gold chain. She was so relieved, though she suffered from some bruises and was in some pain.

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