How to mine Tapswap using telegram ? Full guide.

27 Mar 2024

The TapSwap project is an innovative initiative in the field of decentralized finance. Very similar to NotCoin, but it uses the Solana blockchain to create a fast, efficient, and secure platform for cryptocurrency exchange.
All you need to do to receive coins is to open the TapSwap Telegram bot and start mining.
TapSwap introduces the Taps token, which is a key element of its ecosystem, with a maximum quantity of 1 billion tokens. The project emphasizes decentralized governance, allowing token holders to participate in decision-making. Thus, unlike NotCoin, the quantity of coins is immediately limited, which will ensure a higher value of the coin.
The Taps token distribution strategy is designed to actively engage and reward the community, allocating 50% to active community members, 30% to the treasury for platform development, and the remainder to the team, advisors, and for liquidity support.
The roadmap outlines a phased approach, starting with community engagement through the TapSwap Telegram bot for the initial token distribution, followed by the launch of key platform features such as exchange and liquidity mining, and culminating in the expansion of token holder capabilities and activation of community governance.
In total, 20% of the tokens (100 million) will be distributed over 6 months through the TapSwap Telegram bot. Another 20% will be distributed through an airdrop to active users.
The coin mining mechanics are the same as NotCoin:
Coins are mined by tapping the corresponding icon in the center of the screen.
Users can climb the ranks, earning more coins and outperforming others in leagues.
Boosters can be unlocked and tasks completed to maximize coin earnings.
Invite other users and receive bonuses. Help your friends climb the leagues for greater coin rewards.


Collect as many coins as possible and exchange them for Taps tokens on the Solana blockchain. The number of received tokens depends on the ratio of the number of coins in the bot to the total number of coins. TapSwap looks very attractive, with a clever development plan, but unfortunately, nothing is known about the project team.
There is now a unique opportunity to join the TapSwap project at an early stage and secure significantly greater benefits! The number of users is still small, so don’t miss the chance to be among the first to discover the advantages of the Taps coin.

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