Up in arms! Starknet Prepares STRK Token Airdrop, Who is Eligible?

26 Dec 2023

Good news for crypto fans , the Starknet Foundation has confirmed plans for the long-awaited STRK token airdrop . However, there are special conditions that must be met to be part of this token distribution. Check out the complete information and find out if you are on the list of lucky airdrop recipients.
Recently, two screenshots showing Starknet's draft airdrop plan spread on social media and sparked speculation among users. The screenshot displays the criteria that must be met to qualify for the airdrop.
Although it looks like an early draft with some missing text and spelling errors in the project name, the Starknet Foundation has clarified that this is just part of the development process.

The Starknet Foundation emphasized that the screenshot is a draft that is still in the development stage. They promised to share official criteria and allocation details when everything is ready.

Additionally, they have set a cutoff date for airdrop eligibility, meaning no further user actions can impact their eligibility.
Despite the excitement created in the community, the Starknet Foundation reminds us to set expectations correctly. They emphasized that not all products developed by the technical team will be launched, including the small possibility that STRK tokens may not be issued.

However, this does not dampen the enthusiasm of the community who have been waiting for the airdrop since the mainnet protocol upgrade. Starknet has announced that there are no actions that community members can take at this time that will change the airdrop acceptance criteria. Further information regarding the criteria or information required for the STRK airdrop will be shared when it is ready.

Airdrops have become a major trend in the crypto ecosystem , with several large airdrops from Blur , Arbitrum , and Optimism having occurred recently.

Also read: Justin Sun Promises Airdrop for HTX and Poloniex Users After Hacker Attack!

Beware of Airdrop Related Scams
Starknet Foundation reminds community members to be wary of scams that may arise related to the STRK airdrop. Several social media users have shared screenshots of the Starknet token distribution portal which is still in its early stages.

The information circulating is still not final and may cause confusion. StarkWare, as the initial architect of Starknet, has minted 10 billion STRK tokens off-chain. They emphasized that STRK tokens do not represent equity in StarkWare or any claim rights from the company.

Initial plans for token allocation indicate that a portion will be awarded to StarkWare investors, core contributors, and community members who meet certain criteria.

With confirmation from the Starknet Foundation regarding the STRK token airdrop, the crypto community is excited by the opportunity to get a share of this token distribution.

Make sure you follow the latest developments and meet the established criteria to have the opportunity to be one of the lucky airdrop recipients.


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