Manta 2

20 Jan 2024

Penta Power Structure

The implementation of the Council structure is a testament to Manta’s innovative spirit and its commitment to efficient, balanced governance. This system is designed for scalability and future network expansion, signaling readiness for sustainable growth. The diverse Council system allows for enhanced risk management, which is crucial in maintaining a stable and reliable blockchain environment.
1. How Does Manta’s Governance Work?
Manta Network’s ‘Penta Power’ governance structure, divided into five distinct ‘Councils’, caters to the evolving needs of the network and its community. Each Council plays a vital role in the network’s administration and strategic direction, with $MANTA token holders central to the decision-making process, ensuring that their interests are always at the forefront.
2. What Sorts of Decisions is Manta’s Governance System Responsible for Making?
The Manta governance system, through its Council approach, covers a wide array of decisions. From determining the network’s strategic direction to managing grants and overseeing operational aspects, each decision made is aligned with creating long-term value and ensuring the network’s robust growth.
3. The Components of Manta’s Progressive Decentralization
Manta’s governance model exemplifies progressive decentralization, emphasizing:

  • Stakeholder Empowerment: Centralizing decision-making in $MANTA token holders, ensuring their interests are pivotal.
  • Institutional Balance: Maintaining a power balance across Councils, safeguarding against market volatility, and ensuring stable governance.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Promoting trust through clear oversight and transparent operations.
  • Community Involvement: Encouraging active participation, is crucial for the network’s adaptability and responsiveness to market trends.
  • Adaptability and Responsiveness: Ensuring the network remains agile, adapting to market and technological changes.


As Manta Network continues to evolve, it stands as a beacon of innovation in blockchain governance. We invite the global community to join us on this journey, to be part of a network that not only leads in technological advancements but also redefines the standards of governance in the blockchain world. Manta’s commitment to innovation, transparency, and sustainable growth is not just a promise but a new horizon in the blockchain space.

About Manta Network

Manta Network is the modular blockchain for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications. Manta Pacific is the modular L2 ecosystem for EVM-native ZK applications and dApps that want to deliver the lowest cost and best experience for users. Leveraging Manta’s Universal Circuits to enable ZK-as-a-Service and Celestia’s data availability for modularity to deliver low gas fees, Manta Pacific offers the perfect environment for ZK-enabled applications. Learn more about Manta Pacific here.
Manta Network was created by a team of experienced founders from prestigious institutions, including Harvard, MIT, and Algorand. Manta Network has received investments from many of the top web3 investment funds, including Binance Labs and Polychain Capital. It has grown through participation in the best web3 accelerators, including Alliance DAO and Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator.

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