*political discourse in Füruzan's novel "the 47's"

10 Jan 2024

We can find the female aspect of modernization in Seçil's words about Istanbul. When you go to Istanbul to be elected while drawing an image as if everything will be solved, it reflects the perception created by Istanbul, the city of modernity. When Secil goes to Istanbul, she will no longer wear the dresses that her mother made for her from old fabrics. This he is joyful in it. “I will make new plaid skirts in Istanbul. I'll go to the movies, to teas. The Thing a muare toilet with a puffy skirt, like the photo she took at the medical tea sent by her daughter I'll have it sewn up...I won't even think about Erzurum. I will go to invitations, I will go to live, to live” (Füruzan, 2019, p. 148) .
Secil's perception of Istanbul is generally cinema, which presents an appearance with clothes it is compatible with dots. With modernization, the republic breaks its ties with the old in this way he built the new one. By breaking ties with tradition, he has painted a rootless appearance. From tradition to custom the severance of ties from religion While studying the four caliphs in Emin's history book, Seçil ‘i them it can be seen by saying ’I've already forgotten' (Füruzan, 2019, p. 279).
The problem of turning the woman into a commodity, which capitalism has made people into a single woman in the novel it can be discussed over its image. With industrialization, women's production of the internal family system he made it possible for him to break down. The image of the woman is embodied as a negative character. Kozlu from her family, Seçil is constantly referred to as ‘Secil the Beautiful’, being likened to Marlyn Monroe (Füruzan, 2019, p. 377) the mention of a woman with pure beauty indicates that she has been turned into a commodity.
Selahattin Kozlu's forbidden relationship based on a lie is ignored because he is a man. But the woman to be “later acquired, insidious, fraudulent sides appear piece by piece and integrate with complaints” (Füruzan, 2019, p. 113) as if it were a shame for a woman to become masculine while being seen as it is considered. The negative meaning of the image of women in the capitalist order has been emphasized in this way.

*a small passage from my article called Political discourse in Furuzan's novel the 47's.
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