Nigeria derailing, needs right leaders, says Jonathan at Bishop Matthew Kukah's birthday

1 Sept 2022

On Wednesday, ex - president Goodluck Jonathan warned that Nigeria's democracy was in danger of becoming a dictatorship and insisted that all hands must be on deck to prevent this.

Jonathan gave a speech in Abuja at the celebration of Matthew Kukah, the Catholic bishop of the Sokoto Diocese, turning 70.

The event's theme, "Nigeria's Unfinished Greatness: Next Steps," was discussed. Jonathan urged Nigerians to exercise caution.

He said, “The task before all of us is not to lower our guard, lest the democracy we cherish today succumbs to threats and recedes into fascism tomorrow, and there are signs already.
“Looking at the states and so on, we are derailing towards quasi-fascist form of government, but democracy is not only about winning elections alone, it is about accommodation. We, as leaders at the centre and at the state levels, especially at this time when elections are coming, must accommodate different views.
“Towards this goal, we are again faced with a good opportunity of choosing our leaders as the nation prepares to go to the polls next year. Let us choose those that will take us to the desired destination and the promised land.”

The former head of state of Nigeria said that the country was still developing and that until it was finished, people like Kukah, who act as the conscience of the country, would be present to always hold up a mirror to the development of the country.

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