27 common types of websites (with templates to get you started)

18 Feb 2024

Your website design will largely depend on what type of website you want to make and your goals for it. In this post, we’ll discuss 27 of the most common types of websites, providing examples and templates for each.

Types of websites

  1. eCommerce website
  2. Business website
  3. Blog website
  4. Portfolio website
  5. Event website
  6. Personal website
  7. Membership website
  8. Nonprofit website
  9. Informational website
  10. Online forum
  11. Community website
  12. Startup website
  13. Consulting website
  14. Booking website
  15. Petition website
  16. School website
  17. Hobby website
  18. Interactive website
  19. Entertainment website
  20. Wedding website
  21. Travel website
  22. Directory website
  23. Landing page website
  24. News and magazine website
  25. Memorial website
  26. Subscription website
  27. Kid-friendly website

01. eCommerce website

Build an eCommerce website and you can provide customers with a seamless shopping experience, allowing them to effortlessly browse, select and purchase products that capture their interest. You can sell your own creations or dropship products from your online store. The best eCommerce websites make the buying experience as easy as possible by offering product pages with robust imagery, enticing product descriptions and multiple payment options for you to set up your own online marketplace.

Real-life eCommerce website examples:

  • The Spice Suite sells gourmet spices, herbs and infused oils. Its website draws people in with bright colors while sharing the inspiring story of founder Angel Gregorio, who’s both a home cook and activist for other small business owners.
  • Something Good Studio offers artist-designed blankets, throws and mats. Its website dynamically illustrates the company’s mission of using art and design to encourage positive well-being, happiness and purpose.

Wix’s eCommerce website templates come complete with all the elements you need to start your store.

Learn more: How to make a bakery website

02. Business website

Even if you don't plan on selling anything in an online store, a website is still helpful for establishing an online presence, building your brand and advancing your entrepreneurship goals. When building a business website, whether for B2B or B2C, focus on the needs of your customers and explain how your company will solve their unique challenges. These law firm website examples show how a website can be used both to showcase your business and attract new clients.

Real-life business website example:

  • The Puffin Packaging business website explains that its wool-insulated packaging is an affordable, sustainable solution to polystyrene boxes. The site uses clean lines, colorful images and plenty of white space to draw the interest of its readers on both desktop and mobile.
  • Animal Music Studios provides music composition, sound design and audio mixing services. The website features previous projects the team has done for brands like Comcast, Infinity and Popeye’s.

These business website templates are well-equipped to bring your company to life online.

03. Blog website

Starting a blog provides a platform to share written, visual and digital content about your interests. Once you’re up and running, you might even see opportunities for monetization, such as affiliate marketing, display advertising and selling ad space. You can also share directly from your blog to your social media platforms and accounts.

Real-life blog website example:

  • Estie Kessler uses her home blog, Abode by Estie, to turn her passion for lifestyle writing into a highly profitable business. Within her posts about interior design, travel and style, she shares affiliate links to her favorite home goods store and sells packages to readers who want to work with her design firm.

Start a blog with one of these blog website templates.

04. Portfolio website

If you’re a photographer, artist or writer, a portfolio website can help you reach and impress potential employers or clients and act almost as your art resume. An online portfolio website typically include images, videos or clips that show off your best work. A portfolio website also allows you to establish your own personal branding, giving visitors a glimpse into your personality, interests and values.

Real-life portfolio website examples:

  • Graphical artist Lu Xinyao uses his portfolio to display his hand-drawn pictures, digital art and animations. His site shows the breadth of his artistic style, from Chinese ink to landscape illustrations.
  • Ryan Haskins uses his bold portfolio website to display artwork he’s created for clients such as the New York Times and Netflix.

Choose one of these portfolio website templates to showcase your work in a way that’s sure to capture attention, with either static or dynamic pages.

05. Event website

An event website enables you to generate buzz leading up to an in-person or online event as part of offline or digital marketing efforts. High-performing event websites include all the information that your attendees need to know, such as speakers, agenda, date, time and location.

Real-life event website example:

  • The 2023 Creative Retail Awards website allows users to easily submit award entries. A countdown clock helps to build urgency as the entry deadline nears. The site also includes an overview of the event and a description of each award.

Use one of these event website templates to start collecting RVSPs today.

06. Personal website

Whereas a portfolio website is useful for showcasing your work, a personal website is a space where you can truly be yourself. Build one to share your accomplishments, explore your interests or develop your personal brand. What you include on your personal website and web pages depends on your goals. If you’re using it to advance your career, include a resume, clips and a bio. If you’re making it for self-expression, a blog and social links might be all you need.

Real-life personal website example:

  • Laura Baross, a visual artist in New York City, uses her personal website to share her enthusiasm for sustainable living and zero-waste design. Her site includes a blog featuring self-portraits, a sampling of her past projects and a photography gallery.

These personal website templates will help you share your interests with the world.

07. Membership website

Membership websites are an excellent choice for businesses aiming to convert their users into loyal customers. With this website format, you can provide exclusive content and value-added resources within a password-protected section. Once a member logs in, they can access special features like premium services, online classes or members-only events.

Real-life business website example:

  • HERoines is a membership site dedicated to helping women cultivate fundamental life skills in a safe space. Members get discounts for HERoine events, an invite to a private annual event and access to virtual challenges.

Learn how to create a membership site, then choose a membership site template that fits your needs.

08. Nonprofit website

Nonprofit websites let you share your organization's mission, vision and core values so you can activate people around your cause. For example, church websites can help you reach new and existing congregation members, while animal rescue websites can attract donors who can further your mission.

Real-life nonprofit and NGO website examples:

  • LiteracyNYC aims to create a world where every child knows the power and joy of reading. Its website shares information about its programs and encourages support with a bold green “donate now” button.
  • Mammoth March, a nonprofit that hosts organized hiking events, uses its website to share its mission of helping people unplug and get out of their comfort zones through long-distance hiking challenges. The site provides event details and signup instructions. .

Uncover tips on how to create a nonprofit website with a website builder, and get inspiration from these beautiful nonprofit website templates.

09. Informational website

Informational websites are valuable resources for people looking to learn more about a specific topic, service or product. With a focus on delivering in-depth information, these websites offer long-form content that addresses readers' most pressing questions. An informational website can also establish you or your organization as an expert in your area of interest via mass communication and knowledge sharing.

Real-life informational website example:

  • The Wix Encyclopedia is simlar to a web directory and it offers users a comprehensive dictionary of terms used in business, marketing and web design.

Try out these news and magazine website templates to build your informational website.

10. Online forum

Online forums bring people together to discuss and exchange information around shared topics, such as technology or fitness. Forums usually include multiple discussion threads organized by topic, making it easier for users to find the subject they want to weigh in on.

Real-life business online forum example:

  • BE RADICAL strives to empower its members to be the very best version of themselves. Its website includes “radical support,” a series of online groups, chats and challenges where members can share their wisdom.

Use one of these online forum templates and Wix’s forum software to create a forum today.

11. Community website

With a community website, you can build trust and engagement with people who share a common cause. For example, you could build an LGBTQ+-friendly website that provides an authentic and exclusive destination for members of the community.

Real-life community website examples:

  • Out Agency is a team of LGBTQIA+ change agents dedicated to elevating communities, inspiring people and delivering results. Its website promotes the agency’s community-building events and diversity workshops.
  • Generation She focuses on creating a community of exceptional female talent that can build and lead the next generation of billion-dollar companies. Its online community offers access to career opportunities, events and mentorship.

These community website templates will come in handy as you learn how to build an online community.

12. Startup website

There are few things as invigorating as starting your own business. Creating a startup website can enable you to share that energy and introduce your game-changing idea to the world. Startup websites may include landing pages, product demos and reviews. At first they might also include a crowdfunding page, or other funding resources. Overall, your website’s overarching goal should be to attract customers and investors.

Real-life startup website example:

  • Ception offers construction and mining companies an AI-powered solution to increase the safety, productivity and sustainability of mobile-machinery operations. Its website spells out Ception’s value proposition, shares company news and introduces users to the startup’s founders.
  • Mananalu captures attention with an enticing proposition: for every aluminum bottle package purchased, the company partners with a nonprofit to offset significant amounts of plastic waste.

Use this startup website template to bring your company’s unique vision to life.

Learn more: How to make a construction website

13. Consulting website

Do you have a unique expertise you think others could benefit from? A consulting website will help you monetize it. Your website should include a list of services offered, details about your background and an explanation of who would benefit from your services. If you’re a financial advisor, you might use your site to explain how you’ll help clients protect their nest eggs. If you’re a human resources consultant, you might use it to explain how you can help businesses get more efficient.

Real-life consulting website example:

  • Mikaela Reuben is a culinary nutrition consultant who offers meal plans, recipes and private chef bookings. Her website includes photos, videos, testimonials and a free recipe ebook that can help her capture potential leads.

See other examples of consulting websites and use these consulting website templates to build your own.

Learn how to make a consulting website.

14. Booking website

A booking website helps you get right down to business. It allows users to sign up for classes, accommodations or services online. Booking websites let customers choose their preferred date, time and cost. They also include recommendations, reviews and contact information.

Real-life booking website example:

  • Nutritionist Diana Javanovic uses her booking website, Nutri Me, to make it simple for clients to register for an initial consultation, follow-up visits, 21-day detox diets and more.

This booking website template lets you add your services, reviews and contact information in a jiff.

15. Petition website

If you want to be a change-maker, a petition website can help you advocate for a cause that you hold most dear. You can use an online petition to drum up support for a political position, social justice cause or environmental issue.

Real-life petition website example:

  • Explain the Asterisk is a petition website that advocates for legislation mandating universities and colleges to disclose dismissals for sexual assault on a perpetrator’s transcripts. Through strategic features—such as an informative FAQ page, a compelling media section and a meticulously organized homepage—the site actively encourages visitors to sign its petition

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