
2 Jan 2024

Today ı am going to tell you an amazing website is Bulbapp.io. This website will be more popular in nowadays because it has fantastic potential to make money and it affects whole crypto markets. Bulb is kind of write to earn or read to earn we can say both of them.

Bulb is based on solana ecosystem and ı think its growing everyday. As ı said before in 2024 everybody will talk about bulbapp.io. Nowadays we will earn token and after they launch we will gain profit very well. Its looks very important project and if they complete their roadmap, bulb token will be high potential and it make us rich. All of these words just my opinion these are no financial reward.

Now ı will tell you something about the website. There are some basic tasks for weekly. İf you do more task you will get more reward. The tasks will be shown under my sentences. You need to complete more task for every week. More points means more bulb token.

I was using this website last week and ı earned 206 bulb token very easily and it worth 11.09$ now. 1 bulb token equal 0.05 $. This price is very good. I will use that website everyday. Keep working and gain more tokens.

Write & Read to Earn with BULB

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