26 Dec 2023

I think this platform very smooth nice social media used for get income and good platform for public society used BULB token for tips and pay to other member tips for the future must have dex exchange mybe for pay USD to BULB biggest platform society at the world like Facebook mybe can elaborate Platform Society analyzes intense struggles between competing ideological systems and contesting societal actors—market, government, and civil society—asking who is or should be responsible for anchoring public values and the common good in a platform society. Public values include, of course, privacy, accuracy, safety, and security; but they also pertain to broader societal effects, such as fairness, accessibility, democratic control, and accountability. Such values are the very stakes in the struggle over the platformization of societies around the globe. The Platform Society highlights how these struggles play out in four private and public sectors: news, urban transport, health, and education. Some of these conflicts highlight local dimensions, for instance, fights over regulation between individual platforms

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