My Bulb diary-Fighting spams

18 May 2024

This week has been very interesting in BULB....
On the night of May 12, 2024, an initiative sparks in my head spontaneously with the urge to crack the Spams and dump of $BULB.

Since the BULB liquidity event in April 13, 2024, my heart aches when I look at the $BULB price chart on Birdeye, such beautiful project appeared to be ruined by bad actors.

Firstly, the Ninja Monkey Liquidity pool, well may be I cannot blame that, it is permissionless for anyone to put $BULB into the market.

Secondly Solana dip into bear territory- Bad luck or good luck for whales to pick up millions of cheap $BULB, $BULB was dump as low as 0.00015 USD.

Thirdly group spammers/bad actors, yes big time bad actors; dumping $BULB every freaking week.

Enough is enough !!!!!!!!! cannot watch $BULB being hijacked

My personal background-One valuable thing my Australian Professor taught me in the first lesson in my MBA degree class is Ethics.

The Australian culture I currently live in is that we are Fair and we Share, we challenge the Authority but we help the Weak. We tease people but we respect their right to speak their minds.

That’s how I teach my children-Integrity is number one, work hard-there is no free lunch, help the weak then people will follow you as leader, don’t afraid to confront issues, be reasonable and stay in harmony and learn to shut up sometimes, be candid but don't argue for the sake of argument, respect each other’s stance and efforts, be transparent but learn what sensitive things to say or not to say in the community.

As a Moderator – I learned “Wrong can never be right…. Right will always be right ”
Ethos of Web 3 are Inclusiveness, Transparency, Democracy and Decentralised control to users (spams control)

That’s the principles that I used as a Community Moderator in BULB’s Discord channel and what I did to crack the spam.

First I need to share-Take and give back, I don’t want BULBers to view me as a person who take advantages of everything.

On discord’s Bulbarians channel, I wrote

May 12, 2024 11:27pm “As an appreciation of the spam elimination work. I will give away my personal BULB earnings this week 75,000 $BULB, I will airdrop 5000 $BULB tokens for each of the ACTIVE reporters on the Bulbarians channel.
1. Add your wallet address to my profile for airdrop of 5000 $BULB click on the button next to Follow button.
2. Follow me on X and put down your wallet address and Discord name
I am happy to do this as take and give back Cheers.

My plan is to crack spams with multiple accounts, some oppositions appeared but I respect people’s right to say, then a discord member @CNM said that she dislikes cheating with multiple accounts.

Good one ! I got support from the community now.

May 13, 2024 10:58AM Hey @everyone, we just nailed an account with 70 associated accounts (all paid to come in 😂 that's good we are working for the stakers). I won't name which account just in case it is lurking around here. BTW we also know some of the discord members/reporters/even mods here have multiple accounts and WORSE STILL dump the $BULB every week-how do we know ? we just know........, If you do have multiple accounts- please stop using them-just use one account from now on, we won't come after you, otherwise we will jump on you to protect the genuine BULBers who are strong believers and the viability of this project. I don't mean you can't sell $BULB to enjoy-you can sell $BULB by all means, BUT using multiple accounts then dump $BULB every week then we have problem with it, OK Deal ??? The ONLY exception is mutiple accounts that are used by BULB team for operation or promotion purposes or not for personal gain. I am OK with that.

I give the bad actors a chance to fold their hands….stop it... or I am determined to jump on your back…..and most importantly give genuine bulbers with innocent violation to adjust.

May 13, 2024 11:14AM I will persuade the BULB team hard to removed any status (verified writers or Mod) if they are caught cheating with multiple accounts and dump $BULB, I am determined to do it. There were some concerns in the community....

I responded...
May 13, 2024 11:25AM I won't decide here and appeared to be the one who created the rules, you can see I am speaking here to take the initiative to crack the spam/dump based on BULB's code of conduct to protect the project, if you are caught you need to explain it to the mod appeal process.

I reviewed many violation tips that reporters pasting on the discord channels and go through my personal researches.

May 13, 2024 afternoon
I sat down with JCbest (co-founder of BULB) to go over my plan with evidence, some debate but in general in agreement based on BULB's code of conduct violation 3C. JCbest's approval was also based on other impacts such as impact to the community's trust and transparency.

That is BULBers can earn $BULB and cashout any time but they have to do it ethically with BULB's code of conduct as guidelines.

Removed MC77 as Mod and his energy capacity.
Wallet address -63GobardS2haVbn6fJwuCkfznGL29UdFtuoz8wekg4wv/mc77

Don’t know him at all. He was reported by 2 members on May 13, 2024 9:06AM
Discord names :
Wallet address : GcqhyPx261q8oyP6yPHKoNijfYaKC3Fv8EcasCCyVoFD
Wallet address : FxguXFE2e5N5kFkQX9Vr5NrN2GJMR4u36WfkdneQ489C

That was the breakthrough for me with the determination to shock the platform’s spam activities.

MC77 was reported to have set up additional 5 accounts to do reports/Mod points farming. I thought that was pretty serious to have a verified writer and Mod that violate such code of conduct, it’s a significant risk to BULB.

When he discovered BULB team removed his Energy Capacity and Mod role, he frantically scramble into Discord and argue his position. I did not waste time. Just wrote this.

May 13, 2024 5:44PM A reporter reported you linked to 4 accounts with only one post but at level 8. That's a violation of code of conduct 3C your Mod status on user mc77 was removed by BULB dev based on hard evidence, you can lodge a ticket if you disagree, but I advise you to provide hard evidence as well. I need to stop the conversation here, any more argument will be deleted or kick out sorry folks.

His argument is similar rubbish, the accounts were for uncles and aunts these sort of stuff, I
did not waste time to listen, deleted everything, banned MC77 from Discord.
He caught my attention now......

Removed Blog bit/Capitalthink as Mod and kickout
May 13, 2024 7:31PM Removed Blog bit as Mod- Wallet address - 71dqCQc1uQMFC7dzwMraVNAkwjY8BGtJmS3D1LLRSeBC
Discord name: Newboyincrypto, Nazik, AKB
Other Bulber name : Capitalthink
Blog Bit-might have changed his Bulb name now.

An OG member has reported him cheating a few writing competitions in the past with multiple accounts and grind a few million $BULB in 4 accounts and dumped when $BULB price was in ruin, and tells discord members to HODL and buy. 4 Accounts dump through 6guntqQXZH1JYxeYnQU71eZyA3qNVMERUnPo8k4Q2DLu

He is the sort of guy that I told the OG team who “eat and shit” on the same spot, no moral standard at all IMO.

Weeks ago I raised the issues to the OG team discussion, I found out there was another OG member/Mod complaining him winning a few writing competitions with multiple accounts back in Jan 2024 which I did not know about, I told the "pissed off OG member" that I would have done something to stop this but I was away from Discord for months. In response to my concern about multiple accounts operation in an OG team discussion, BULB team came back to confirm that "Blog bit" left and said he still loves and supports BULB.

But he did not leave, he came back to the BULB platform to operate with multiple accounts again.....

Enough is enough

Finally, we kick his ass out from Bulb with JCbest's approval.
Capitalthink's account is also finished now. His wallet 5tGG8ausWWo8u9K1brb2tZQEKuDMZ9C6kUD1e96dkNBo and other associates accounts.

are made inactive and wipe off his Bulb points. He loss about 100K of $Bulb earnings for that week.

Next day Capitalthink's account dump 1 mil $Bulb to retaliate, we further removed his lifetime passive income of all of his posts in the associates accounts which he was entitled.

I want to record this on BULB's platform as history, we cannot let someone doing this to get away with it as nothing had happened, without justice being done. Use this as lessons for all of us Bulbers. Afterall, all of us BULBers were being screwed not much but still hurts !!!!

May 16, 2024 11:51AM
@lukejoseph @Jawad khan It's so funny Bro, Just found out Blog Bit changes his BULB name to "norma" now 😂 I was going to say when he types out norma "how can you see looking through those tears" 😆

What an experience for me this week ! LOL......

Please leave a comment, the top 5 comments with most WOWs will get Free airdrop 5000 $BULB each from me (total 25,000 $BULB from my personal earnings). Comments can be "Thoughtful" or "Educational" or "Feedback" or "Fun" of the handling process. Any Bulbers can join in this free Airdrop. Active reporters on Discord will get a 1.5 boost in the calculation to show my appreciation for their own valuable time spent and for being fair IMO-therefore let me know your discord name in your comment for 1.5 boost. Counting of comment wows in two weeks.

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