The Veil of Fortune: Unraveling the Myths and Realities of Trading

13 Mar 2024

In the dizzying world of trading, where fortunes are made and undone with a click, there are as many myths as truths. Today, we lift the veil to reveal the essence of trading, an activity shrouded in the mystery of finance and the global economy.

 Trading is a Shortcut to Wealth Popular belief suggests that trading is a fast track to instant wealth. However, the reality is more earthly. Trading requires deep knowledge of the market, a solid strategy and, above all, iron patience. It is not a bed of roses, but rather a marathon of endurance and constant learning.

Only Financial Experts Can Succeed Another common myth is that you need a degree in finance or economics to be successful in trading. Although specialized training can be beneficial, trading is open to all those willing to educate themselves and take the time to understand the markets. The key is continuous training and disciplined practice.

Current statistics on trading profitability indicate that it is a challenging activity with mixed results. Here I present some key information:

  • Percentage of Unprofitable Traders: More than 90% of traders lose money, and more than 80% abandon in the first 6 months.
  • Profitability of Individual Investor Accounts: Between 79.9% and 64% of individual investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs.
  • Importance of Statistics: Statistics play a crucial role in trading, providing a quantitative and objective view of the risk associated with each operation.

This data highlights the importance of proper education, solid risk management, and realistic expectations when entering the world of trading. It is essential to understand that trading is not a sure path to wealth and that it requires serious commitment and a well-informed strategy.

 Trading is a Matter of Luck Some see trading as a game of chance, where luck decides the fate of investors. But the reality is that trading success is based on analysis, strategies and meticulous risk management. Luck may play a role, but it is skill and informed decision making that really counts.

Investing Online is Not Safe In the digital age, online security is a valid concern. However, online trading is safe as long as you choose regulated brokers and follow best security practices. Financial regulation is strict and designed to protect the investor.

To get started in the world of trading, you will need a combination of financial and non-financial resources. Here I present a general guide:

Financial resources:

Initial Capital: The amount of money needed to start varies depending on the type of trading you want to do. Some traders start with as little as $100, while others may need thousands of dollars. It is important to start with an amount of money that you are willing to lose, as trading carries risks.
Transaction Costs: Consider the commissions and fees that brokers charge for each operation. These costs can affect your profitability.

Non-Financial Resources:

Education: Investing in your training is essential. You may need from about $2000 to pay for an academy.
Trading Tools: You will need a computer ($500 approximately) and a trading platform (can cost around $1000).
Stable Internet: A reliable internet connection is crucial for real-time trading.
Time: Trading requires dedication and time to analyze the markets and manage operations.


Practice: Before investing real money, practice on a demo account to familiarize yourself with the market and test your strategies.
Regulated Broker: Make sure you choose a regulated broker to ensure the safety of your funds and operations.
Risk Management: Develop a risk management strategy to protect your capital.

The Reality of Trading The reality of trading is that it is a demanding profession that requires dedication and an attitude of constant learning. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme or a game of chance. It is a serious activity that, when done correctly, can be a source of income and personal growth. Trading is a mirror of life itself: full of opportunities and challenges. It requires a commitment to education and a respect for market volatility. For those who dare to delve into its depths, it offers an unparalleled adventure in the world of finance.

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