Benefits of Apples

4 Feb 2023

According to health experts, when the amount of hemoglobin in the body is less than 14-16 grams per dl, then the risk of anemia increases. Simply put, a person may be suffering from anemia.

Benefits of Apples

You must have often heard people saying that one should eat an apple daily to stay healthy. However, when should apples be eaten? Not everyone is aware of this. Eating apples at the right time has a favorable effect on health.

There is a saying in English for this - "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". In Hindi, it means that people who eat apples daily do not fall sick easily. Simply put, stay away from the doctor. Apple is no less than a boon for health.

Its use provides benefits in many diseases. This strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of heart disease, is beneficial in weight loss.

Apart from this, eating apple supplies iron in the body. Come, let us know the benefits and time of eating apple-

Many essential nutrients are found in apples, including vitamin C, protein, anti-inflammatory, flavonoid quercetin, fiber, calcium, potassium, which are beneficial in various diseases.

Vitamin-C strengthens the immune system, due to potassium, high BP remains under control, due to fiber, it gets rid of the problem of constipation and obesity. Staying in high BP control reduces the risk of heart disease.

According to health experts, when the amount of hemoglobin in the body is less than 14-16 grams per dl, then the risk of anemia increases. Simply put, a person may be suffering from anemia.

In this situation, there is a problem of loss of appetite, weakness, low heart rate. Apple can be consumed to get rid of this disease. Consumption of apple removes iron deficiency in the body.

Eating apple in the morning is more beneficial. At the same time, do not consume apples in the evening and after sunset.

Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions in the story are for general information only. Do not take these as advice from any doctor or medical professional. In case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor.

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