
8 Dec 2022

Randomly scrolling through Instagram and a post pops up 
it’s a picture of a word puzzle and it says the first four words you see will be your mantra for 2023, I see 
I see them in that order and I feel a tinge of comfort in my heart 
I laugh a bit because I’ve never been one to believe that the right messages pop up at the right time 
But today something really scary happened, I almost lost my dad 
I thought I lost him 
There has been episodes for the past two years but I felt this one in my core, my soul 
I realize life is fickle and we can loose our loved ones at any given time. At least this year taught me that. 
If I survive this year (albeit we have few more days to go) I will scream 
Honestly, I’ll go to the balcony and let out a longgggg scream because this year has really dealt with me 
Mentally, emotionally, financially, physically (health wise). I want this to be my last bad year. 

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