Magic or wishes?

9 Jun 2023

If I had dancing eyes like a magician, I'd grant all your requests for a smile.
Butterfly waltzes in the sunshine, new companions to share your toys with (for a while).

Poodles that giggle, blue noodles that sigh, two enormous purple teddy bears that talk
silly small mice wearing squeaky pink boots,
Five mile-high ice cream cones with polka dots.

A velvet container with twelve dancing daisies
triple rainbows following each light rain,
a magical pool with mirrors to reflect your lovely face,
seven pennies for wishes that are not overly obvious.

Twenty pop-up clowns, candy-coated leprechauns counting pick-up sticks, unicorns to ride in parades through glass villages, and colorful floating bubbles (just for fun) are some of the items I would offer you.

kittens with fur to tickle your cheeks,
a group of fourteen canaries wearing turquoise tights,
Four weeks' worth of candy in your pocket,
In flower-filled fields, three young pigs ride kites.

all-access passes to the rides at your favorite locations,
15 princes to transport all of your belongings,
For special flights, a blinking magic carpet, as well as play areas that clear up in a single puff.

I would give you the entire world on a silver string while you watched
the kids play and sing.

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