What Is Avive? Avive Coin Price Prediction 2025

24 Feb 2024


  • Avive Coin is an innovative digital currency functioning within the expanding domain of cryptocurrencies. 
  • Deposits for Avive are set to initiate at 10:00 am UTC on December 14, 2023.
  • Avive mining involves users contributing to the network's security and functionality by staking their Avive coins. 
  • Built upon a resilient blockchain infrastructure, the Avive network ensures a secure and transparent environment for conducting transactions. 
  • The Avive Airdrop represents a strategic distribution approach adopted by the Avive project to introduce and disseminate its proprietary cryptocurrency.


Avive Coin is a novel digital currency that operates within the burgeoning realm of cryptocurrencies. Born out of a vision to create a decentralized and secure financial ecosystem, Avive aims to redefine the way individuals perceive and engage with digital assets. At its core, Avive is built upon blockchain technology, a distributed ledger system that ensures transparency, security, and immutability.
The history of Avive coin is rooted in the desire to establish a financial system that eliminates traditional intermediaries, fosters privacy, reduces transaction costs, and democrates access to decentralized finance. By leveraging blockchain technology, Avive provides a tamper-proof and transparent ledger, making it resistant to fraud and manipulation. Users of Avive can benefit from enhanced privacy in transactions, reduced fees, and a financial system that operates independently of centralized control.

Avive Coin is a novel digital currency that operates within the burgeoning realm of cryptocurrencies | Source: facebook

Avive coin launch date took place at 10:00 am UTC on December 14, 2023. The spot trading for Avive/USDT started at 10:00 am UTC on December 19, 2023. Following that, Avive withdrawals were made available beginning at 10:00 am UTC on December 21, 2023.


Avive operates on a decentralized framework, utilizing cutting-edge technology to facilitate secure and efficient transactions within its ecosystem. Here's a breakdown of how Avive works:

2.1. Proof-of-Stake Consensus Mechanism

Avive employs a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, a sustainable alternative to the energy-intensive proof-of-work (PoW) model. In the PoS system, users are incentivized to participate in the network's operation by staking their Avive coins. Staking involves users locking a certain amount of their coins as collateral to validate transactions and secure the network. Participants in this process are rewarded with additional Avive coins, encouraging active engagement and contributing to the overall stability of the network.

Avive employs a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism | Source: facebook

2.2. Avive Mining

Avive mining is the process through which users contribute to the network's security and functionality by staking their Avive coins. This mechanism not only enhances the security of the blockchain but also allows users to earn rewards for their participation. By actively participating in Avive mining, users play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the decentralized ledger.

Avive mining is the process through which users contribute to the network's security and functionality | Source: facebook

Avive employs an airdrop strategy as part of its distribution model | Source: X.com

2.3. Avive Network

The Avive network is built upon a robust blockchain infrastructure, providing a secure and transparent environment for transactions. The blockchain serves as a decentralized ledger, recording all transactions in a tamper-proof manner. This ensures the integrity of the data and prevents unauthorized alterations. The Avive network is designed to facilitate seamless and efficient transactions, making it a viable choice for users seeking a decentralized financial ecosystem.

2.4. Avive Airdrop

The Avive airdrop is a strategic distribution method employed by the Avive project to introduce and distribute its native cryptocurrency, Avive coins, to a wider audience. Airdrops involve the free distribution of Avive coins to users who actively engage with the platform.
This could include holding a certain amount of Avive coins in their wallets, participating in specific activities, or contributing to the growth of the Avive community. The airdrop strategy is a unique way to encourage user involvement and ensure a wider distribution of Avive coins.
Key features of the Avive Airdrop include:

  • User Engagement: Avive Airdrops often target users who actively participate in the Avive community. This can include holding a minimum amount of Avive coins in their wallets, participating in discussions on social media platforms, or contributing to specific projects within the Avive ecosystem.
  • Community Building: By distributing Avive coins for free, the project aims to build a strong and engaged community. Airdrops encourage users to become stakeholders in the Avive network, fostering a sense of ownership and loyalty among participants.
  • Wider Distribution: Airdrops contribute to the broader distribution of Avive coins. This strategy ensures that the cryptocurrency is in the hands of a diverse group of users, preventing centralization and promoting a more decentralized ecosystem.
  • Promotion of Utility: In some cases, Avive Airdrops may be linked to specific use cases or utility within the Avive ecosystem. This encourages recipients to explore and utilize Avive coins for various transactions, thereby promoting the functionality of the cryptocurrency.
  • Marketing and Awareness: Airdrops serve as a powerful marketing tool to create awareness about the Avive project. As users claim their free Avive coins, they become more informed about the project's goals, features, and potential benefits.

The Avive airdrop is a strategic distribution method employed by the Avive project to introduce and distribute its native cryptocurrency | Source: avivie


Avive contract address is a distinct identifier assigned when a smart contract is released. While Ethereum stands out as the predominant blockchain for deploying smart contracts, with greater utilization than Bitcoin, it's noteworthy that the Bitcoin blockchain can also serve for smart contract deployment, albeit with less programmability and extensibility compared to Ethereum.
For Avive token miners, completion of both KYC phases 1 and 2 is a prerequisite to claiming Avive tokens prior to listing. Following the successful passage of both KYC phases, 30% of your overall Avive tokens become eligible for claiming before the listing date, while the remaining 70% will be distributed over a span of 30 months.
This guide illustrates how to integrate Avive into your Metamask wallet:

  • Step 1: Copy the Avive contract address provided: 0x5117f4ad0bc70dbb3b05bf39a1ec1ee40dd67654
  • Step 2: Open your Metamask wallet, and switch to the Arbitrum One chain; then, click on "import token."
  • Step 3: Paste the contract address copied in step 1 into the first box.
  • Step 4: Once the contract address is pasted, the name and symbol will be automatically displayed. If not, manually input the information as shown in the provided screenshot.
    • Token Symbol: Avive
    • Decimals: 18
  • After inputting the necessary details, click on "import."


The process of withdrawing funds from Avive involves several steps, and the exact method may vary depending on the platform or wallet you are using. Here's a general guide on how to withdraw from Avive:

  • Access Your Wallet: Log in to your Avive wallet or the platform where you hold your Avive coins.
  • Navigate to the Withdrawal Section: Look for the withdrawal or transfer section within your wallet or the platform. 
  • Select Avive as the Asset: Choose Avive from the list of available assets or cryptocurrencies. 
  • Enter Withdrawal Details: Specify the amount of Avive you wish to withdraw. Some platforms may also require you to provide your wallet address where you want the Avive coins to be sent. 
  • Verify Transaction: Many platforms have a verification step to confirm the withdrawal. This could involve email confirmation, two-factor authentication (2FA), or other security measures. Complete the necessary verification steps.
  • Confirm Withdrawal: After verifying the transaction, review the withdrawal details once more and confirm the withdrawal.
  • Monitor Transaction Status: You can track the progress of your withdrawal through the transaction ID provided by the platform.

The process of withdrawing funds from Avive involves several steps, and the exact method may vary depending on the platform or wallet you are using | Source: newsway


How Much Is 1 Avive Coin currently? Based on Klarda's statistics, the present value of Avive World stands at $0.0256, with an indeterminate change recorded in the last 24 hours. Avive World's highest value to date (All Time High or ATH) was $0.14, achieved on December 19, 2023, and currently reflects a change of -100%. The circulating supply of Avive World is 0 million coins, and the maximum supply remains unspecified. The 24-hour trading volume for Avive World is $914,514.0033688481.
Looking at the trend over the past week, Avive price prediction has displayed a positive trajectory, experiencing a notable increase of 20.46%. This consistent upward movement suggests a favorable momentum, making Avive World an enticing prospect for potential investors.
Examining the month-long performance, Avive coin price prediction has witnessed a remarkable surge of 56.53%, contributing an impressive average increment of $0.02 to its existing value. This sudden and substantial growth signals the potential for Avive to establish itself as a robust asset, presenting a compelling opportunity for those considering investment.
Following an examination of the historical price trends of Avive World, projections for Avive coin price prediction 2025 suggest that the minimum anticipated value for Avive World is approximately $0.0591. The upper limit of the expected Avive price is estimated to be around $0.0712. On an average scale, the trading price is forecasted to hover around $0.0608 throughout 2025.


Avive is poised for a promising future. It stands as a well-constructed stablecoin, backed by a robust team and a clear vision. Notably, significant endorsements from key players in the cryptocurrency industry, such as Andreessen Horowitz and Circle, further bolster Avive's credibility.
Positioned strategically, Avive is primed to play a pivotal role in the evolving landscape of Web3. It holds the potential to emerge as the preferred stablecoin for decentralized applications and protocols, contributing significantly to the development of new financial infrastructure within the Web3 framework.
The versatility of Avive extends to powering decentralized payment networks like the Lightning Network. This innovation would empower individuals to conduct instantaneous and cost-effective transactions directly, eliminating the need for intermediaries.
In the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi), Avive could serve as collateral for loans within lending and borrowing protocols, providing an alternative to traditional banking channels. This decentralized approach would facilitate borrowing and lending without reliance on traditional financial institutions.
Furthermore, Avive has the potential to facilitate secure and transparent asset trading on decentralized exchanges. This shift could revolutionize the way people engage in asset transactions, offering enhanced security and transparency compared to traditional methods. 

Avive is poised for a promising future. It stands as a well-constructed stablecoin, backed by a robust team and a clear vision | Source: binance

As the cryptocurrency world continues to expand, Avive presents a compelling opportunity for those looking to diversify their digital asset portfolio. Hope these information above help you understand “What is Avive?”. Potential investors must conduct thorough research and exercise caution when entering the volatile realm of cryptocurrencies. While the promise of decentralized finance is enticing, success in this space requires informed decision-making. Avive, with its innovative features and potential, is undoubtedly a project to watch, but careful investigation and due diligence remain the guiding principles for navigating the ever-evolving cryptocurrency landscape.

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