7 Potential Crypto Airdrops in 2024

8 Jan 2024

Image : iPhone 11 Pro Max Source Photo by Miguel Tomás on Unsplash

Airdrops have become highly popular in the crypto community since last year, with several crypto projects offering airdrops with fantastic values, such as Arbitrum (ARB), Celestia (TIA), and Jito (JTO).

This article discusses seven potential airdrops in 2024. It is essential to note that the mentioned list is speculative, and the existence of an airdrop is not guaranteed.

Ageio Stagnum

Image : Event airdrop Aegio

Ageio is a staking platform on the Theta network. Users can stake THETA to earn TFUEL yields and receive rewards in the form of the native Ageio token (AGT).
Ageio is conducting an airdrop for the community through the Zealy event, with a total airdrop value of $50,000 in AGT tokens. The process involves creating a Zealy account, joining the Ageio community, and completing daily tasks and other activities to accumulate XP.

The top XP holder will receive $10,000 in AGT, while ranks 2-10 will get $1,000 each in AGT. The remaining $16,000 in AGT will be distributed to ranks 11-100, with the remaining $15,000 going to all Zealy participants staking on the Ageio platform. It's worth noting that this event runs from January 3, 2024, to March 3, 2024.


Image : Kamino Website

Kamino is a lending platform built on the Solana network. With a Total Value Locked (TVL) of $197 million, it is the second-largest lending platform in the Solana ecosystem.

The platform currently lacks a native token, leaving the possibility of a future airdrop open. Kamino will also introduce a point system likely used to measure user activity on the platform.

To increase the chances of qualifying for an airdrop, users can engage in lending and borrowing activities or deposit and borrow assets such as SOL, USDC, and other available assets.


Marginfi holds the top position in lending platforms based on TVL on the Solana network, reaching $335 million. Similar to Kamino, Marginfi utilizes a point system to gauge user activity on the platform.

Image : Marginfi Website Source : marginfi

The strategy to qualify for an airdrop remains the same as Kamino since both are lending platforms. Users can engage in lending and borrowing or deposit and borrow assets like SOL, USDC, and other available assets.
Marginfi introduces a different feature, liquid staking Solana (LST), allowing users to mint LST by depositing SOL. As of the current date (8/1/24), 1 LST is equivalent to 1.267 SOL.


Image : Drift Website Source : Drift

Drift is a decentralized perpetual futures trading platform on the Solana network. According to DefiLlama data, Drift boasts the largest TVL on the Solana network at $106 million. Besides futures trading, the platform offers lending and borrowing features similar to Kamino and Marginfi.

To potentially qualify for an airdrop, users can open futures positions on the available markets. Increasing trading volume can enhance the airdrop allocation.
Users can also participate in lending and borrowing activities similar to Kamino and Marginfi.

Zeta Markets

Image : Zeta Market Website Source : Zeta market

Zeta Markets, the second-largest DEX perpetual futures platform on the Solana network after Drift, has a TVL of $13 million, considerably lower than Drift. This is because Zeta Markets solely focuses on futures trading and lacks TVL support from lending features like Drift.
Zeta Markets introduces a point system called Z-score. Users can earn Z-score by opening futures positions, with a larger trading volume resulting in a higher Z-score. The airdrop allocation is likely to be tied to this point system.

Additionally, users can amplify their Z-score with the ownership of NFT Zeta Cards, purchasable through the NFT marketplaces Magic Eden and Tensor. As of the current date (8/1/24), the price of these NFTs is 0.213 SOL or around $300.

Staking On-chain TIA, ATOM, and OSMO

The Cosmos ecosystem has recently seen various airdrops, requiring users to stake on-chain Celestia (TIA), Cosmos (ATOM), and Osmosis (OSMO). It's crucial to note that these three projects are popular within the Cosmos ecosystem.

The modular blockchain project Dymension provides airdrop tokens (DYM) to those staking on-chain TIA, ATOM, and OSMO. Additionally, the crypto project Saga.xyz offers airdrop tokens (SAGA) to TIA and ATOM stakers.

Several other crypto projects associated with the Cosmos ecosystem, including Initia, Caldera, Astria, and Monad, may also provide airdrop tokens, with one of the requirements being on-chain staking.

To start on-chain staking, users need to prepare a Cosmos wallet, with Keplr Wallet being one popular option. After setting up the wallet, users can send TIA, ATOM, and OSMO to the wallet and stake them through the provided menu.
It's important to note that selecting a staking validator outside the top 20 is encouraged to support validator power distribution. Additionally, a higher staking amount is preferable.


Image : Milway Website

MilkyWay is a liquid staking derivatives (LSD) platform for the crypto asset Celestia (TIA), collaborating with the Osmosis network. Its operation is similar to other platforms, such as Lido for ETH and Jito for SOL.

Users can stake by depositing TIA and receive liquid staking tokens (milkTIA) as proof of staking.

Additionally, users can become liquidity providers on the Osmosis DEX by depositing the liquidity pair milkTIA-TIA. This activity is likely to be one of the criteria for the airdrop.

That concludes the list of seven potential airdrop opportunities to explore this year. It's crucial to note that the entire list in this article is speculative and not a certainty.

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