Crypto adoption

12 Oct 2022

Cryptocurrency adoption is very essential to the industry due to various reasons. There are a couple of use cases a crypto company/project may want to do outside the Crypto industry that will be good for that certain industry but it can't happen because there's pretty much very low adoption. For instance I came across a project that uses real time consensus mechanism (Proof of Time). This can be implemented in various industries to track employee performance, track everyday products or services, or even track its own performance with the use of DApps and event data but then this cannot be possible if there's little to no adoption of crypto by companies or individuals. This story of less adoption is really taking a positive turn, this week alone, we've recorded two massive adoptions that's supposed to even pull the Crypto markets out of the bear market. This week alone, Google began to accept crypto as a form of payment partnering with coinbase, and the world's largest custodian bank also adopts cryptocurrencies. This is a huge turn in the positive direction for the Crypto industry. I believe in due time, we'll see more and more of these adoptions. 

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