Trezor Data Breach User Crypto Assets Remain Secure

22 Jan 2024

Source : Photo by NFT gallery on Unsplash

Trezor, a prominent provider of crypto cold wallets, has initiated an investigation into a security incident that occurred on January 18, 2024, at 05:00 AM WIB.

This incident resulted in unauthorized access to the company's customer support portal and the compromise of 66,000 user contact details who had interacted with Trezor Support since December 2021.

The leaked information includes users' names and email addresses. Trezor assures users that their crypto assets remain secure despite this incident.

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Prompt Investigation by Trezor

Source : Photo by Mediamodifier on Unsplash

In an effort to protect users and maintain transparency, Trezor has taken immediate action. The company has notified all users who may be affected by this breach. Trezor expects all impacted users to receive an official notification email within 12 hours.

Trezor emphasizes that this security incident does not affect users' crypto assets. The breach is confined to the data leak, comprising names and email addresses, and does not involve the crypto assets stored in Trezor wallets.

Trezor's investigation is ongoing, and the company is actively working to determine the full scope of this security incident. This includes identifying the vulnerabilities exploited during the breach and understanding the motives behind it.

During the initial investigation, it was revealed that the responsible party for this incident had contacted 41 users via email. These users were targeted with requests for sensitive information, particularly their wallet seed phrases.

Trezor strongly advises all users to exercise caution when receiving phishing emails requesting sensitive information, including wallet seed phrases. Official communication from Trezor is always conducted through official channels and emails.

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