Distinctive symptoms of each vitamin deficiency: Do you have any of them?

17 Oct 2023

Distinctive symptoms of each vitamin deficiency: Do you have any of them? Sometimes you may experience strange symptoms that are not related to a specific disease, and you may suspect that this may be due to a deficiency in certain types of vitamins. What are the symptoms of a deficiency in each vitamin? Each vitamin has specific functions in the body, and when there is a deficiency in any of these vitamins, the affected person shows distinct symptoms, especially for the vitamin in which he suffers from a deficiency. What are the symptoms of a deficiency in each vitamin? What are its various sources? Symptoms of deficiency of each vitamin Symptoms of vitamin deficiency occur as a result of a severe deficiency over a long period of time, which can be attributed either to not consuming sufficient amounts of vitamin sources, or as a result of contracting certain diseases that prevent its correct or complete absorption. In this article, here are the most common symptoms of each vitamin deficiency that an individual may suffer from. Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency and its natural sources Vitamin A has an important role in maintaining skin, intestines, respiratory system, and healthy eyesight, especially color discrimination and night vision, and is considered one of the fat-soluble vitamins. Its deficiency is common among low-income groups due to malnutrition, and is more common in women and children, people with chronic diarrhea, people with liver and pancreas diseases, pregnant women, and people with celiac disease. 1. Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency usually appear in cases of severe deficiency, and the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency are as follows: Night blindness, or difficulty seeing at night. Dry eyes, skin, hair, and any body tissue in general. Increased chances of inflammation and infection. Retinal defect. Appearance of white, foam-like spots in the whites of the eyes. Nail breakage. 2. Sources of vitamin A Rich sources of vitamin A include: Dark leafy vegetables. Orange fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, mangos, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes, in addition to cantaloupe. eggs. Tuna. It is preferable not to compensate for the deficiency with supplements except in cases of necessity and under the supervision of a doctor, because it dissolves and is stored in fat, which may lead to exposure to serious side effects due to the increased level of vitamin A in the body. Symptoms of deficiency of group B vitamins and their natural sources The B vitamins family is a large and diverse group, and the symptoms of a deficiency in any of the vitamins belonging to it differ from the rest. Although each of these vitamins has a specific function, they cooperate to perform their functions together, which includes maintaining the health of the various organs of the body, including: the nervous system, the production of red blood cells, and the health of the body’s cells in general due to their role in the production of DNA. 1. Symptoms of B vitamins deficiency Here are the most important symptoms of a deficiency in each vitamin in the B vitamins group: Vitamin B1 or Thiamine Fatigue and allergies, and if the deficiency is severe, it may cause beri beri disease, which affects the nerves, muscles, heart, and brain. Vitamin B2 or riboflavin (Riboflavin) Cracks in the edges of the lips, and crusts on the head. Vitamin B3 or Niacin ​Bewilderment, confusion, dementia, crusts on the skin, muscle weakness, diarrhea, poor memory, lack of concentration, depression, and mania. Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid Cramps, scaly skin rash, red tongue, cracks in the corners of the mouth, and a tingling feeling in the feet and hands. Vitamin B7 or Biotin ​Gradual hair loss on the head and body, the appearance of a skin rash around the eyes, nose, mouth and anal area, broken nails, depression, and in some cases the occurrence of epileptic seizures. Vitamin B9 or folic acid (Folic acid) Fatigue, anemia, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, redness and inflammation of the tongue, decreased sense of taste, weight loss, and depression. Vitamin B12 or Cobalamin Fatigue, anemia, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness and vertigo, slow reactions, difficulty walking, confusion and disorientation. 2. Sources of B vitamins B vitamins are found in many food sources, including: Milk and cheese products. eggs. Red meat. Seafood. fruits. Green leafy vegetables. Avocado. Beetroot. Whole grains. Legumes. Soy products. Nuts. The doctor may prescribe vitamin B complex supplements for a person suffering from deficiency, which contain everything that a person may need. Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency and its natural sources Vitamin C is one of the very important vitamins necessary to enhance the health of the immune system, teeth and bones, and it also plays an important role in wound healing. 1. Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency Vitamin C deficiency leads to a condition called scurvy, and the symptoms of its deficiency are as follows: Inflammation and bleeding of the gums. Increased chances of contracting diseases and slow wound healing. Dry skin and brittle hair. Nose bleeding. Joint pain. Weakness of tooth enamel. overweight. 2. Sources of vitamin C It is important to obtain vitamin C from food because the body is unable to manufacture it. Its sources include: Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit. Broccoli. Cauliflower. Watermelon. Cantaloupe. Blueberry fruits. Leafy vegetables. Manga. Papaya. sweet spicy. Pineapple. Potatoes. tomatoes. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and its natural sources Vitamin D is one of the vitamins that is very important for health, and its deficiency may cause many health problems, such as: osteoporosis, rickets, weak immune system, asthma, diabetes, and heart disease, and some studies indicate that its deficiency has a role in the occurrence of cancer. . 1. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency These are common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency: Depression, anxiety, and constant mood swings. A decrease in blood calcium levels, which may lead to softness

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