Nym is one of the few projects that meet all the conditions I mentioned earlier.

18 Jan 2024

Nym is one of the few projects that meet all the conditions I mentioned earlier.

• Consistent development post-launch
• Solid products
• Doxxxed team
• Potential to become a Cult (Hype)

The @nymproject

Nym is the 'Layer 0' privacy stack for the entire internet.

Unlike traditional privacy protocols limited to application-level, Nym targets mass adoption with its Mixnet & VPN.
2/ At a glance:

• Market cap #300, FDV $200M
• Team: MIT, UCL, Chainspace, Google DeepMind, IOHK
• Funding: $24.9M
• Backed by Binance Labs & Polychain & a16z
• $300M Innovation Fund
3/ Regulatory Risks

With increasing scrutiny from regulators and CEXs, privacy coins are facing challenges.

OKX - Delisting (Privacy)
HTX - Monitoring Tag (Privacy)

However, $NYM was not included in the list and is unlikely to be included in the future.

Here's why:
4/ Nym isn't a 'Privacy coin' - Claimed immediately after launch, 2 yrs ago.

In fact, the products developed by Nym, such as Mixnet, zk-nyms, and NymVPN, aim for "Censorship resistance"

*Nym's founders are from the Panoramix project (Received funding from the European Union's), dedicated to privacy.

Simply put, it has no association with Money laundering.5/ NymVPN

Nym plans to launch 'NymVPN' in Q1 2024.

This upcoming release is expected to propel Nym into the DePIN track.

Decentralized VPNs have the potential to drive mass adoption.
*Major VCs have selected DePIN as one of the key narratives for 2024.

Source - @factomind
6/ Global VPN Market

• VPN Market Valuation (2022) : $48.9 Billion
• CAGR : 22.04%

Decentralized VPNs are poised to become competitive products globally, extending beyond the cryptocurrency industry.

*Nearly two-thirds of US adults have had experience using VPNs.

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