My Take on Far From Home EP1

20 Dec 2022

From the beginning, I was already psyched. Here's my take on the first episode. Ishaya is too desperate, the things he did towards the end of the first episode shows that he could do anything to get what he wanted (the grant). To me he went too far by taking on he's sister's dreams without even giving her a heads up and plus he would have persuaded he's sister to get into the school instead of him going instead. He also went too far by stealing from Mr Government and Oga Rambo like what are you thinking young man do you want to die young lol. He had to have so much courage and desperation to pull that little stunt. This leaves me with a very big question, "How far will this boy go achieve what he wants?". Where do you think he'll draw the line?. I've learnt that desperation can be both good and bad depending on how you let it get to you but most times it takes you down the same path that Ishaya is going right now in the Series. Don't be too desperate it'll come a time that you don't know where to draw the line. Let me go and watch EP2

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