New peace ✌️

9 May 2023

There was a king. He was a devotee of God. After ruling for a few days, he felt that he should renounce this royal glory and go to a distant forest and do penance. He was sure that the Lord is pleased only if one truly renounces wealth. His queen, however, strongly opposed him, but he ignored her. The king went straight to the Himalayas and started doing penance. There he built a hut and began to worship the Lord day and night.

A year has passed. He renounced glories. And there he remained with great patience, but even so his mind was not at peace. Confusion in his kingdom here blew up The queen felt very sad. We must bring back the king. She decided that. She changed her guise and became a sannyasin and dressed in white robes, leaving her hair loose, carrying a trident in her hand, she went to her husband in the Himalayas. came At that time the king was meditating with his eyes closed. After a while the king opened his eyes. He is holding a trident in front of his eyes. Sannyasini seemed to him to be Durga Devi. He believed that this goddess appeared before him to save him. He bowed to her and said, 'O Goddess Durga, let us sit down. You gave me darshan. You so that I can get true liberation Have you come here?" The queen said, 'O Sannyasi Baba, your guess is quite right. You are under some kind of illusion. I have come to free you from the darkness of that illusion. Now tell me, what is your real desire?" The king saluted her and said, 'I am restless. All I want is for me to have complete peace in my life.' 'But it has to be sacrificed.' "Devimate, I have come here in seclusion having renounced everything Why is my mind not at peace?" She said, 'You have given up nothing...

'Goddess, what are you talking about? Hey, I was the king. I my Having given up all glory, having given up my wife, children, friends, I have come here for peace of mind. Now I have nothing. I am a real recluse, a recluse.'
'You have nothing this time?' She said, 'Then how do you call yourself a complete renunciate? Because even in these things your mind is fixed, so you are a real sacrificer No.' The king understood what she said. He set fire to his hut with his own hands. Danda and Kamandalu were thrown into the river Ganges. Then he said to the ascetic, 'I am a recluse now, am I not?' She laughed and said, 'Chee, Chee! You are still not a complete sacrifice. You own as much land as you sit on. You use that space, that is, you have that much space in your mind. You are not a real sacrificer. You are dependent on something in this world. You owe this small piece of land. Then you abandon her.' Search of peace! The third king was enchanting. Her great influence on him Fall. He considered her a goddess and the idea of suicide by her witness He made a cheetah to prove it. She asked, 'This is a monk, what is your thoughts?' 'I am going to burn my body in this picture, that is, on such an earth I will be completely free without my right. "After your body is burnt, the balance will not be anything?" "What will be left? Only ashes will remain." 'Whose ash?'
"My." 'I mean, even in such a state, you will be your ashes officers. You will remain indirectly on the ground where the ash will remain. Then how can I assume that you have sacrificed everything even after you die? "

Part 2

Now the quantity of the king is confused. He humbly bowed to the base of the monk and said, "O Goddess, we should guide my mind how to make peace." She seriously said, 'Tell me, who is your body? " I am.'
"Then abandon him. Tell me, who is this mind?" 'My "Give it up.' 'Then who am I?'
'Thou art God Himself. If you meditate on the true God, the selfishness in your mind will be completely destroyed. Give up your ego and become godly. Try to blend in with everyone. This is called true self-sacrifice. As long as God has given us life, spend our time in serving others, thinking that the joys and sorrows of Janata Janardana are our own and forget the joys and sorrows for that. It is your presumptuous notion that we ourselves are different. Only if you truly forget all this will you find true peace." But now the king's mind was conflicted and he humbly said to the nun, 'Devi, I was really delusional. Get real peace. So I just kept on wandering. Now you guide me properly.' She said, 'Rajan, the spirit of God in you Are you aware of this?' Yes, now I realize that I am a part of the Lord Himself, but due to ignorance I was forgetting the true path. You really mean me has been awakened.'
'If you think so, do you stay in the Himalayas and stay in a palace in your own kingdom, will you remain a part of the Lord or not?' 'Hi, now any place with my vision will look the same to me.' 'Then why have you come here leaving your household, leaving your kingdom, abandoning your wife and children? When your own mind is under your control, you will find peace in your kingdom by self-karma. The peace for which you came to the Himalayas in fear, you can find that peace in your family too.' 'But I will find peace in solitude I came here with this hope.' 'This is cowardice. If you are a real hero, you will get real peace in your kingdom too. Living here is pure escapism. You will find no peace here. The wealth of true peace cannot be found anywhere outside. It is hidden in the heart of man. One only needs to be aware of it.' The king asked invulnerably, 'O goddess, what shall I do now?' 'Make your mind strong. Go to society, serve others, do ideal work so that your body can be useful to others. Your heart will dance with joy. You will find true peace. The work that the Lord has sent you to do in this world, you must do the work. You must accept your kingdom. You have to do your duty for the family that depends on you. A true sacrifice. It is in love, in affection, not in restraint.'

The king came to his capital with the Sannyasini. After some time he went to his queen's palace to meet her. At that time, a sannyasin was standing in front of him in the form of a queen. The king was very surprised. He hugged his queen tightly and said, 'You are an ideal wife, queen and excellent guide. With your help, I will have real peace in this capital too.' After that, the king managed his reign excellently and gained great fame. not in control.

The Sannyasini travelled with the king to his royal residence. He eventually went to meet her at the palace of his queen. A sannyasin in the shape of a queen was then standing in front of him. The king was taken aback. You are the perfect wife, queen, and leader, he remarked as he gave his queen a firm hug. I shall finally experience true tranquilly in this city with your assistance. After that, the king successfully handled his rule and rose to great fame.

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