30 Jan 2024

Last month, Tonup grant for a social experiment based on inscriptions, and we are pleased to see that this project has made some progress. The @tbrc_ton team has officially submitted TEP-142 (https://github.com/ton-blockchain/TEPs/pull/142) proposal to the TON Foundation, in which they propose TBRC20, a dual-standard inscription that support Jetton. This aims to provide a decentralized approach for transparent, efficient, and secure token issuance and transactions. TonUP is delighted to have been able to contribute early assistance to the TBRC project. TonUP believes that the inscription/Jetton mode of TBRC20 provides a new possibility for project issuance on TON.

We are also excited to explore more opportunities with the TBRC team based on fair launch projects. The team at TBRC has also designed an interesting social experiment based on this standard, and we are prepared to offer further support for their initiative.

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