Playing the Game to Receive Telegram’s Notcoin Airdrop

13 Mar 2024

Playing the Game to Receive Telegram’s Notcoin Airdrop

With a staggering 27 million players, the captivating Notcoin game on Telegram is making waves as it gears up for the impending NOT token drop. Discover why it has firmly seized our attention.
Notcoin operates seamlessly within the Telegram messaging app, aligning with a token set to launch on The Open Network (TON), the blockchain originating from the messaging platform. Addressing earlier uncertainties surrounding the airdrop, Open Builders, the creators of Notcoin, confirmed that the token will indeed transition to TON, with an expected release in late March or early April.
Screenshots from Notcoin.
In a strategic move, the team introduced an NFT-based voucher system, allowing players to convert their in-game currency into vouchers for trading prior to the token’s debut. Those who prefer to abstain from the pre-token voucher system can patiently await the moment when their in-game currency becomes eligible for direct exchange into tokens.
Beyond the seemingly simplistic tapping mechanics, what truly intrigued me about this unassuming game was its social dimension. Upon configuring my Notcoin Telegram bot, I discovered that several of my friends were also immersed in the game, instantly igniting a competitive desire to outperform them on the leaderboard.
The global leaderboard categorizes players into leagues based on their accumulated Notcoin (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond), with each player further ranked within their respective league. The revelation that some friends held higher rankings than me strangely fueled a newfound determination to elevate my tapping skills.
Notcoin Airdrop
The regular cadence of boosts also played a significant role in keeping me engaged. Notcoin offers two daily free boosts to turbocharge earnings—a brief surge in earnings triggered by tapping a rocket ship and an energy refill for when tapping depletes your energy. With the ability to use three of each boost daily at no cost, the knowledge that these boosts might contribute to a future airdrop served as ample motivation, ensuring my repeated return to the game.
In addition to the free boosts, Notcoin introduces “paid” boosts, but the catch is you can only spend earned Notcoin, and there’s no option to purchase it directly within the game. This approach maintains a sense of fairness, steering clear of any pay-to-win dynamics that could dampen the overall experience.
Related: Toncoin Surges Nearly 40% as Telegram Announces Revenue Sharing
The game presents a dilemma—whether to hoard in-game coins for a more substantial airdrop or invest them in paid boosts to amplify overall earnings. I opted to exhaust my in-game currency on available upgrades, proudly boasting a level 10 energy limit (no need for envy here).
Notcoin may not hold the title of the best game I’ve ever played, far from it. Yet, it has an undeniable grip on me. The game’s simplicity, coupled with its incentives and social elements, compel me to return consistently, despite its straightforward gameplay. If you’re seeking a fully immersive gaming experience, Notcoin might not fit the bill. However, if you’re up for some lighthearted fun in a quirky mobile game with the potential for an airdrop, I’m ready to welcome a new challenger to the league.

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