4 Side Hustles You Can Do From Your Phone ($600+ Per Day)

18 Jan 2024

Let’s be honest, if you’re reading this article, you probably have a phone or a laptop. And with this thing, you can make as much as $600 per day with the 12 side hustles that I’m showing you in today’s post.

Virtual Friend

Well, we are starting strong here. I know this might sound like straight out of a Sci-Fi novel, but nowadays you can actually get paid to be someone’s virtual friend.
And yes, you heard me right. Websites like FriendPC, RentAFriend, and Papa are a part of this new trend.

And before you start imagining all sorts of wild scenarios, let’s keep it simple.These sites are 100% legit, and you can earn money simply by texting or chatting with someone who’s feeling lonely.But of course, as with anything on the internet, there’s always a bit of the weird and wonderful mixed in.But from all the platforms, Papa is probably the most trustworthy.And to get started with Papa, all you need to do is visit papa.com, and sign upIt’s almost as easy as ordering a pizza online, except instead of getting a pizza, you get to make someone’s day a little bit better, and you get paid for it.On average, by being a Papa Paul, you can make up to $3,000 per month.Now, remember that this is the internet, so when you’re building these online friendships, keep it strictly conversational.Like imagine you’re talking to a friendly stranger on a bus or something.So, common sense is your best friend here, not just the virtual ones.So, I’m giving virtual friendships a 2 out of 10, and the score is so low only because we have way better side hustles coming up that pay significantly more money.

Google Opinion Rewards

Now, you’ve probably heard already people talking about survey sites. And let’s be honest, most of them are literally scams.
But this is something completely different, something from a company you all know: Google.

I’m talking about Google Opinion Rewards. That is an app that you can download on your phone where basically, after you sign up, you just answer questions and get paid directly by Google.
And yes, it is as simple as that. Now, this probably isn’t going to replace your full-time job, but it’s a really good way to make some money on the side.And here is how it works: you just download the app, and then Google starts sending you surveys.

And the questions can be really random.For example, they might ask which of these places would you want to visit: Machu Picchu, the Grand Canyon, or Dubai?You just pick an answer, and you’re done.Now, as I said, the income is not the best with $1 per survey, but you can answer surveys in a pretty short amount of time, and you can do this directly from your phone. 2 out of 10.


Now, have you ever thought that your voice could actually make you money?Well, with voiceovers, you can make more money than you think, and you don’t need any fancy high-tech microphone to get into this.You can literally use your phone; that is more than enough.

You can go on websites like Upwork.com or Fiverr, that is like the eBay for skills, where you set up a gig, which is just a fancy way of saying create a little page where you advertise your voice, and then record a few samples.

Now, these samples could literally be anything, like you narrating the epic tale of how you found your lost sock or something.

And even if you’re stuck for ideas, just look at other voiceover gigs on Fiverr for inspiration.
Then when someone buys your gig, they’ll send you a script that you then read out loud, record on your phone, send back to the client, and you get paid.

I’ve got some friends that are actually in this business, and they have turned this into a full-time job.I’m giving voiceovers a 4 out of 10.


Now, Etsy is a platform you might associate with handmade crafts and vintage items, but you can also use the power of artificial intelligence or AI to create a successful business on Etsy.

The idea here is simple but genius, and this is how it works: after you’ve downloaded the Etsy Sellers app on your phone, just create a list like this one.
As you can see, it says, “Turning your photo into a painting.”

That sounds high-tech, but it’s incredibly simple to do. There are a lot of AI tools out there that can do just that, and one example is MidJourney.But you can also find many more apps just by searching in your app store for AI generators or painting generators.And if you’ve ever tried one of these tools, you know how amazing they are at transforming ordinary photos into stunning art pieces.So let’s do some quick math to understand the earning potential here.Let’s go back to the Etsy store we checked out earlier that has over 50,000 sales, and assuming they made $10 profit per sale, which is honestly quite conservative and is probably way more, we’re talking about $500,000.

Doing this definitely a 10 out of 10.

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