Optopia AI Layer2 Project and Airdrop ($OPAI)?

20 Apr 2024


$OPAI Token Airdrop Address: https://optopia.ai/voyage?inviter=cekardu

An AI utopia, Optopia.ai sets the standard for widespread adoption, fair launches, and community ownership in seamless AI-driven blockchain applications.
Optopia.ai, in comparison to other Ethereum Layer 2 networks, places a stronger emphasis on innovating AI standards and exploring AI application scenarios. Optopia is an L2 Blockchain specifically designed for artificial intelligence (AI) applications. It is committed to pioneering AI application standards and exploring various AI use cases. Built on the Op Stack, Optopia ensures 100% EVM compatibility while providing exceptional performance, minimal costs, and robust security for AI applications. Its mission is to drive the advancement and practical adoption of AI technology.
At the core of Optopia.ai lies the goal of facilitating the implementation and promotion of AI applications. It guides developers to innovate and explore the boundless possibilities of AI models across a wide range of real-world applications, including but not limited to gaming, data analysis, natural language processing, computer vision, healthcare, and financial technology.
Optopia.ai envisions creating a decentralized network where anyone can freely participate in building AI-related applications. By doing so, it aims to propel innovation in the field of AI, expand the scope of AI application scenarios, and enhance the efficiency of AI application deployment.


Optopia employs a Fair Launch mechanism, devoid of team reservations, investor allocations, or pre-mining plans, ensuring transparent and equitable token distribution. Our goal is to evolve into a community-driven Op-Rollup platform characterized by fairness and innovation, with the aim of establishing a transparent and equitable artificial intelligence domain for users.

  • Fairness: Optopia advocates for fair issuance, with most of OPAI tokens being airdropped to the community after mainnet launch, avoiding any pre-allocation to investors. Each valuable OPAI token will be distributed to all Optopia users through genuine airdrops, mining, and ecosystem funds.
  • Empowering AI: Optopia is Ethereum’s first L2 platform custom-tailored for artificial intelligence applications. The remaining part of OPAI tokens will be allocated to the ecosystem fund, specifically to incentivize future ecosystem projects and encourage their equitable development.
  • Transparency: Optopia ensures genuine governance, with management fully adhering to community decisions. The Optopia team will step back from project management, ensuring that the community’s voice shapes its future.
  • Efficiency: Optopia integrates the Op stack, transitioning transaction processing from Ethereum to L2. This promotes efficient transaction handling while significantly reducing gas costs.
  • Infrastructure: Optopia provides a developer-friendly environment, equipped with robust AI application product infrastructure and incentive mechanisms, enabling developers to explore the vast potential of AI applications.

Smart and Cost-Efficient Layer 2


In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, scalability and efficiency are paramount for achieving widespread adoption, Optopia’s mission is to establish new AI standards and explore AI application scenarios.
Optopia innovatively adopt a Layer 2 solution, directly addressing the scalability challenges faced by Ethereum and other blockchain networks. We emphasize empowering AI applications and promoting the implementation and adoption of artificial intelligence. By harnessing the power of 4EVERLAND’s Rollups as a Service (RaaS), Optopia offers a smart and cost-effective approach to scaling decentralized AI applications.

How Optopia works

Optopia seamlessly integrates with the Ethereum ecosystem, providing full compatibility and interoperability with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Built on the Op Stack—a standardized, shared, and open-source development framework—Optopia aims to enhance both user and developer experiences without disrupting the familiar cryptocurrency landscape.

  • Efficient Layer 2 Solution: Leveraging the Op Stack, Optopia achieves efficiency, security, and scalability. By moving computationally intensive tasks off-chain, it significantly reduces gas fees and enhances transaction throughput.
  • EIP-4844 Integration: Optopia adopts Ethereum’s EIP-4844, introducing a new transaction type that accepts ‘binary large object’ (Blob) data. This innovation further reduces fees and increases overall efficiency.
  • Arweave Blob Archiver: Data permanence and accessibility are guaranteed through integration with Arweave, a decentralized storage solution.

Technical Architecture

OP Stack

OP Stack serves as a standardized, shared, and open-source development stack. It acts as a software component that defines specific layers within the Optopia ecosystem while also functioning as a module in the existing layers.

Ethereum DA

Ethereum DA is currently the most widely used data availability module within OP Stack. When utilizing the Ethereum DA module, source data can be extracted from any information accessible on the Ethereum blockchain. This includes Ethereum calldata, events, and 4844 data Blobs.

Arweave backup

Arweave functions as a blockchain infrastructure designed to address the permanence and accessibility of data. Its “permanent file storage” technology, distinct from traditional blockchain data storage methods, ensures the permanent preservation of data.

$OPAI Framework

The OPAI token framework is a fundamental component of Optopia that empowers various roles within the AI ecosystem. It consists of four key roles: Intent Publisher, AI Agent, Builder, and OPAI Holder. Each role plays a specific part in the incentivization and governance of the AI applications facilitated by Optopia.

Roles and Interactions

Intent Publisher

The Intent Publisher is responsible for creating intents within the Intent Center and incentivizing AI Agents to execute these intents by allocating ANY valuable tokens. Intents are the actionable goals or tasks that AI Agents can undertake.

Intent Center is an upcoming feature on the Optopia platform, serving as a hub for the intents published by the Intent Publishers. Within this framework, the intent publishers can release actionable goals or tasks and incentivize the execution of these objectives by AI agents and developers through the attachment of valuable tokens.
In addition to the incentives provided by the Intent Publisher, Optopia further enhances the capability of this process by offering a specific amount of $OPAI as an additional reward. The weight of these rewards is determined through a voting process by users holding vlOPAI, and a detailed explanation of this process will be provided in the subsequent section.

AI Agent

AI Agents interact with the Intent Center to access intents and utilize the knowledge available to attempt and complete these intents. They receive rewards in the form of Reward Points upon successfully accomplishing intents, which are then used to distribute rewards.

Knowledge is custom-built by Builders to suit the specific Intent requirements. They can be tailored to adapt to different environments, enabling various AI Agents to learn from interactions and enhance performance.
Welcome to the Optopia AI Agent Ecosystem!


Builders play a crucial role in the AI ecosystem by training and publishing knowledge for AI Agents to learn and use. This process enhances the capabilities of AI Agents, and Builders are incentivized based on their share of points derived from the AI Agents utilizing their knowledge.

When Knowledge created by a Builder is learned and adopted by an AI Agent to fulfill an intent, Knowledge's publisher (Builder) can earn Share of points from each successful execution, which can be redeemed for rewards.
The quantity of Share of points is directly proportional to the number of times the Knowledge is successfully adopted by the AI Agent.

$OPAI Holder

OPAI Holders have the ability to lock OPAI tokens and receive Vote Lock Tokens (vlOPAI). By using these tokens to vote, OPAI Holders can determine the emission weight of intents within the Intent Center. This weight, in turn, influences the OPAI rewards that AI Agents receive upon completing each intent.

Emission weight is determined by the number of Vote Lock Tokens (vlOPAI) pledged by Optopia members for the intent.
- Emission weight = Number of Vote Lock Tokens (vlOPAI) pledged for the intent / Total vote lock tokens (vlOPAI) pledged for the intent center
The additional $OPAI reward that can be obtained upon completing the intent is calculated as:
- Additional $OPAI reward for completing the intent = Total $OPAI reward for the period * Emission weight

User Workflow

Intent Creation and Incentivization

  • The Intent Publisher creates intents within the Intent Center and allocates valuable tokens to incentivize AI Agents to execute these intents effectively.

Knowledge Training and Publication

  • Builders train and publish knowledge for AI Agents to access, learn, and utilize. Their incentives are linked to the share of points derived from AI Agents using their knowledge.

AI Agent Interaction

  • AI Agents interact with the Intent Center to access intents and employ their knowledge to attempt and complete the assigned intents.

Rewards Distribution

  • Upon successful completion of an intent, AI Agents receive Reward Points, and Knowledge Builder receive a Share of Points, which are instrumental in the distribution of intent rewards.

OPAI Holder Participation

  • OPAI Holders have the opportunity to participate in the governance of the Intent Center by locking OPAI tokens, receiving vlOPAI, and voting on the emission weight of intents.


The OPAI Token Framework within Optopia is a dynamic and comprehensive system that governs the incentivization and governance of AI applications. Each role within the framework plays a crucial part in driving AI innovation and practical application, ultimately contributing to the advancement of AI technology.

$OPAI Token Airdrop Address: https://optopia.ai/voyage?inviter=cekardu



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