$BULB to the moon, 🚀

9 Jan 2024

1/ In 2023, the Solana developer ecosystem made major advances in tooling, developer experience, & quality of content. Today the Solana ecosystem has over 2500 monthly active developers on open source repositories and developer retention is over 50%.Solana has sustained a monthly active developer count between 2500-3000 through 2023, showcasing the ecosystem's ability to attract & retain talent.
Developer retention has risen over 2023 and is now over 50%, showing the commitment of new developers building on Solana. đź’Ş Developers building on Solana now more likely to still be in the ecosystem, making it easier to onboard larger amounts of developers in the future.
It’s important to note that only open source developers can be measured, resulting in an underestimation of total developers.
4/ Over 50% of @solana_devs have 3+ years of experience.

This is important as the skill level of developers building on a chain directly contributes to advancements in developer tooling and dApps.

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