My programming Skills.

25 Jul 2022

There are lots of programming languages out there in market which servers in various purposes. Like JAVA for android application development, Flutter ( A dart based framework) for android as well as IOS application, C and C++ for game design and Operationg system related. And well known language called PYTHON for mainly data and AI learning but it can be aslo used for web application. Javascript is another favourite among developers in terms of web development.

Now, talking about me , I know Javascript. I have no advanced knowledge in front end development but I know basics of HTML, CSS and JS. At backend development , I used mern stack for my study.
Mern stack uses Node.Js or Express.js , MongoDB as databases, ReactJS on frontend. Well, I am planing to have knowledge on backend with Node.js but together with it ,I want to learn blockchain so that I could replace MongoDB as databases.I have little knowledge of solidity on very basics level only.

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