This is what is wrong with Web3

13 Jan 2025

In Web2, giant companies hold all the power, controlling your data, the platforms you use, and the information you see. But in Web3, things are different, it’s run by the people. It’s a trustless, tamper-proof, and open digital world built on the backbone of Web2, but without the corporate big wigs running the show. Web3 is where freedom, transparency, and creativity become one in a truly open digital marketplace where you have a voice no matter what it is you have to say. So what is wrong with Web3?

There are so many good platforms that I have found along my web3 journey such as Tangled (MLX & WMLX), Grill (SUB & DOT), BULB (BULB & SOL), and The Arena (ARENA & AVAX). I am sure there are many more awesome platforms out there but these are my favorite ones I have found so far. To be honest I was having some serious FOMO and wanted to use as many platforms as I could but it is extremely hard to keep up with that so I thought I would just focus on the ones I truly believe in and think will last the test of time. I spend most of my time on Tangled, BULB, and The Arena though. I think it is smart to pick at least 2 or 3 that you stay active on. The more active you are the more you can earn and meet new and interesting people.

I have tried so many platforms over the years. It is pretty mind blowing how many Web3 platforms are being created. It seems like every time I search there are more and more of them. There are some that do not last the test of time and funding though. There are some that just shut down without any notice ( cough cough Uhive). It is hard to find those diamonds in the rough such as Tangled. I know everyone is like this dude talks about Tangled all of the time. He has to be a plant for the Tangled company who just posts all over the place about Tangled to get more people coming in. To be honest I wish that was the case (Tangled where you at, hit me up we gotta talk 😂). Jk to be honest I just love Tangled and have found the community to be helpful, honest, and nice. It is one of the best platforms I have found. It has so much going on and allows everyone to take part in the growth of the platform. Earning is fun, fast, and you can meet some good and interesting people. Now do not hate me for this but I have to put a little plug in this article. If you want to learn about Tangled then I suggest checking out a video I made about it below. A couple things have changed since I created this video but it pretty much sums up the platform. I plan on making more videos in the near future. I have been spending a good amount of my time trying to get my Tangled stream going.

Now no matter what platform you are using when it comes to Web3 you will run into a multiple amount of security issues. Some of the platforms themselves are safe (some are not so do your due diligence) but being that they are decentralized and free speech platforms you will have people pretending to be other people, people trying to scam you, and fake giveaways. This is another reason why I love Tangled so much (sorry to bring up Tangled again but this is important). Tangled has a verification system, and no it is not like X where you can pay to be verified. In my opinion that kills the point of verification. 

Tangled has 3 stages of verification. Social (you can link your YouTube, X, and other social accounts), website (if you have a website you can link it to your account), and advanced (you can get this by making a video of yourself say your screen name, saying you’re new to Tangled, and tagging #KYTchallenge and @jonathanhernandez). This allows anyone to use the platform without having to send your government stuff to the platform.

I think being Anonymous is needed in some situations but social media should have a form of verification like this so people can have at least a small idea of who they are dealing with. 

The Birth of something New

Web3 is like the new age Wild Wild West as they say. A good amount of these platforms are not going to make it. This is a sad but true fact. This is why it is important to be picky when it comes to using your time on these platforms. There are so many of these platforms it can make your head turn. Also your time is more precious then any amount of Crypto so use it wisely.

Here are some things you should look for when searching for a high quality web3 social platform. 

  • Strong and active team. A team that is transparent and willing to communicate with the users on a daily basis. (On Tangled the creators go live daily, just putting that out there)

  • Active and open market. People are actively talking about the token or coin that the platform uses and users are actively buying, selling, and using. Now this will not count for new projects that have not released their token yet but you can normally tell where a platform is going by the amount of people talking about it and how much the team is active and transparent.

  • The Platform has a purpose and utility. Social media is so bland these days we need something new and different.

  • Free speech. Free speech is a hot topic these days and I think it is extremely important for the average person to have a voice. I know some people will abuse this but that is what comes with freedom. People are sometimes filled with hate for no reason. That is why the community needs to work together and communicate possible scams or other nefarious stuff happening on the platform. Also always keep your guard up. You never know who you are talking to.

Social media is Changing are you ready?

Whether you like it or not social media is changing. Even the social media we once knew is dying. AI agents are being implemented into social media all over the place. Now you will never know if the person you are talking to is a real person. Unless you have met that person in real life you will not know. I know these AI agents are fairly easy to spot right now if you know what you are looking for but imagine what they are going to be like in the next couple years. I personally think by the end of this year we will not be able to tell the difference. Things are getting very strange and I kind of feel like I am living in the Twilight zone. 

I think transitioning over to Web3 now will be a good idea. Tangled will not be adding AI agents into their platform (had to bring up Tangled again). If you see accounts that look like they are AI it is because another user has made that account to trick others. It is always good to be vigilant when using web3 and connect with others. If someone starts off the conversation with "Can I please have some MLX or Can I please have some AVAX then that person probably is not a good person to keep in your circle. Web3 is all about earning and building a community. It is not about begging. It is about participating and being yourself. Creating something everyone will enjoy. You can start challenges like I have done on Tangled, you can be active on The Arena and host Stages and talk and earn, or you can just post funny memes and interact with others. The sky is the limit and Web3 is allowing even the little people to get a piece of the digital pie.

Is There Really Anything Wrong With Web3?

Ok I must admit that the title was a little bit of clickbait. I think Web3 is awesome and truly shows what an open digital social market looks like and could be. We are far from mass adoption but we are slowly growing. In 2024 the adoption rate was around 6.8%. I think 2025 might just amaze us. The old way of social media is dead. No matter what they try to do there is no saving it. Time for something new. Time for something decentralized. Web3 is the future of social media, the future of finance, and the future of a trustless open market.

Until next time everyone! Check out my articles on "On The Node" for a more personal type blog about me. Posting a new one soon (been slacking a little because I have been spending so much time creating a stream on Tangled)! *plug alert!* Also check out my live stream on Tangled called HattyHatsTV every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 pm (EST) by clicking the links below!

HattyHatsTV - Earn MLX answering questions and hanging out.
On The Node - Earn MLX blogging

My favorite earning platforms. 
Tangled — Earn MLX social media (WMLX) 
BULB — Earn BULB blogging (SOL) 
The Arena — Earn AVAX social Media (AVAX) 
Grill — Earn Grill social media (DOT) 
Kaichi — Earn SOL social media (SOL) 
Slice — Earn BTC watching YouTube and surfing the web (Lightning Network)
ZBD — Earn BTC playing games and taking surveys (Lightning Network)
 Use code G96DF6 
Check out my website for more ways to earn Cryptocurrency and to see what projects I am following.

BULB: The Future of Social Media in Web3

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