How to Track and Research Crypto Projects

5 Jan 2024

Since the crypto world is a rapidly changing environment, it is important to evaluate projects thoroughly before investing. Here are the general steps you can follow to follow and research crypto projects:

1. Gain Basic Knowledge:

Before evaluating crypto projects, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of fundamental crypto concepts such as blockchain, cryptocurrencies, mining, and consensus algorithms.

2. Read the Whitepaper:

Reading the official document, known as the "whitepaper," provides a detailed explanation of the project's purpose, technology, and goals.

3. Team and Developers:

Examine the experience and past achievements of the team and developers behind the project. Checking their LinkedIn profiles, reviewing past projects, and watching conference presentations can provide valuable insights.

4. Community and Social Media:

The size and engagement of the project's community are essential. Interacting with the community on platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and Telegram and monitoring announcements can give you an idea of the project's popularity.

5. Partnerships and Collaborations:

Projects with significant partnerships and collaborations often indicate a strong foundation. Check official websites and press releases for information on partnerships.

6. Technology and Security:

Understanding the technology used by the project and evaluating security measures is important. You can inspect the project's code repository (e.g., on GitHub) to delve into technical details.

7. Future Goals and Vision:

Learn about the project's future goals and long-term vision. If the project team provides clear and concrete information about future plans, it suggests a solid vision.

8. Price and Market Performance:

Monitoring the token price and market performance can provide insights into the project's popularity and the confidence level of investors. However, focus not only on price but also on fundamental analysis.

9. Regulation and Legal Status:

Checking which jurisdictions the project falls under and whether it complies with appropriate regulations is crucial. Projects with solid legal foundations are generally more trustworthy.

10. Read Critiques and Reviews:

Reading critiques and reviews about the project from various sources can help you form an independent perspective. Comparing information from different sources can provide a more objective view.

By following these steps, you can evaluate crypto projects more effectively and make more informed investment decisions. Remember that crypto investments always come with risks, so it's essential to proceed with caution and awareness.

If you want to read my previous article about the climate crisis: Climate Crisis

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