Bringing Account Abstraction to SatoshiVM: BTC Connect

29 Feb 2024

BTC Connect:

BTC Connect is porting the improved user experience made possible by ERC-4337 Account Abstraction to the BTC ecosystem, enabling compatibility between the Bitcoin and EVM worlds. This novel solution allows users to control Smart Accounts deployed on EVM-compatible Bitcoin L2s through their native Bitcoin wallets. Thanks to this, developers building on SatoshiVM can now offer their users a fully native Bitcoin experience while still enjoying the multiple benefits of EVM compatibility.
Kicking off this partnership, SatoshiVM has integrated BTC Connect into their native bridge, allowing their users to automatically generate a Smart Account upon logging in via a UniSat wallet. To learn more about the user flow of BTC Connect, check out our latest article. You can also learn more about Particle Network’s developer experience in this article.

Using BTC Connect within the SatoshiVM bridge.

Why should developers leveraging Particle Network’s solutions tap into account abstraction on SatoshiVM?

SatoshiVM is a decentralized Bitcoin ZK-rollup L2, fully compatible with the EVM ecosystem and using native BTC as gas. It features settlements on native Bitcoin, using BTC as a gas token to create a next-generation Bitcoin L2. SatoshiVM is introducing compatibility between the EVM ecosystem and BTC while scaling Bitcoin, enabling developers to build advanced dApps on top of the most valuable OG blockchain.
Integrating account abstraction on SatoshiVM allows developers to introduce full account programmability and tap into chain abstraction through their dApps, minimizing the friction for gaming, DeFi, NFT, and other kinds of dApps, making them more accessible to the mass market.

Tapping into Account Abstraction on SatoshiVM with Particle Network’s BTC Connect.

If you are a developer, you can integrate BTC Connect on SatoshiVM within your dApp via our main SDK, @particle-network/btc-connectkit.
Integrating BTC Connect takes under 50 lines of code. Within our first alpha release, it can only be integrated into Web applications via the SDK above. Particle Network puts great care into creating a streamlined developer experience (DevX) comprised of multiple resources, such as tutorials, guides with code examples, videos, and comprehensive information in our documentation.
You can find examples live at our SDK reference, and a tutorial below:

Closing thoughts

BTC Connect is the first step towards full chain abstraction encompassing Bitcoin. By deploying this on SatoshiVM, we are streamlining the creation of mass-market-ready decentralized applications on Bitcoin L2s that are compatible with the EVM ecosystem, further interconnecting Web3.
BTC Connect is uniquely positioned to align the interests of multiple players in the ecosystem. Thanks to it, end users can fully rely on Bitcoin native wallets to interact with the expanding ecosystem of L2s, native wallets can concentrate their user base and reach within the Bitcoin ecosystem, and L2s can improve their capabilities via AA. Furthermore, developers can encompass multiple wallets at once, easily tapping into a flourishing ecosystem and reducing user friction, improving user conversion and retention.

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