My BULB Experience

2 Jul 2022

Basically, this is me talking about how my experience on Bulb has been so far. If this is your first time of hearing about Bulb, let me break it down for you.

About Bulb

Bulb is a cryptocurrency-based blogging platform that rewards creativity, passion, and engagement. So Bulb is that go-to platform whenever you need to speak up in the blockchain space. On the platform , you are not limited to talking about crypto-only, you can write about career, technology, literature, art e.t.c . There is lots of room for creativity here.

Here are some reasons why I love Bulb

1) Amazing User experience: When I first signed up on Bulb, I practically did not need any guide moving around the platform. Very easy to use not complicated (kudos to the bulb team). I normally blog from my PC but when I am reading articles here(bulb) I use my phone and I must say the platform has been perfectly optimized for mobile too.

2)Amazing User Interface: The platform is visually appealing so it keeps me glued to my screen. Perfect white spaces allow articles that are written by users to stand out, the buttons are in perfect positions too making it easy for me to move around.

3) Speed: Since I started using Bulb I have not experienced lagging before. This place(bulb) is just perfect.

Thank you Bulb for giving me a place where I can express how I feel.

Write & Read to Earn with BULB

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